A 10 minute kettlebell workout is enough time to activate every muscle in your body while at the same time challenging your cardio.
For those short on time the following workout is the perfect recipe to maintain and improve your overall strength, mobility, cardio and burn those unwanted calories.
All aspects of workout programming have been addressed with this workout including: single leg training, lateral movement, joint mobility, dynamic cardio, stability, core and preventing muscle imbalances.
Want a longer workout? 20 minute kettlebell workout and 30 minute kettlebell workout
How to Use this 10 Minute Kettlebell Workout
There are ten exercises used with this kettlebell 10 minute workout. All exercises alternate between left and right sides in order to prevent developing muscle imbalances.
The best and easiest way to perform this workout is by using an interval timer that beeps every 30 seconds, I use a Gymboss Interval Timer, this way you know when to change exercises without having to look at a clock.
As some of the kettlebell exercises may be very challenging for some beginners I’ve offered up alternatives underneath each exercise below.
The objective is to perform the complete ten minute workout without stopping or putting the kettlebell down. However, if the workout becomes too much then you can always break it down into 2, 3, or 4 minute sections resting and then continuing.
How often to perform this workout?
Everyone recovers from workouts at different rates so you will need to use your experience to determine how often to repeat the workout. As a general guide 3 – 5 times per week will work for most people.
What kettlebell weight to use?
Again strength and experience will differ from one person to the next but as a guide:
Men starting weight: 12kg (26lbs) or 16kg (35lbs), progressing to 20kg or 24kg.
Women starting weight: 8kg or 12kg, occasionally a 16kg may be possible for more experienced ladies.
Discover more: Complete guide to buying kettlebells
The 10 Minute Kettlebell Workout
Below I have listed the ten exercises included within this kettlebell 10 minute workout.
In order to understand how the kettlebell workout flows I’ve broken down the 10 minutes into 1 minute intervals so you can see when you need to change exercises.
Here are the 10 kettlebell exercises included in this ten minute workout:
- Kettlebell Slingshot x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Halo x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Windmill x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Swing One Arm x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Clean and Press x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Side Lunge x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Thruster x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Regular Row x 1 minute
- Kettlebell Reverse Lunge and Press x 1 minute
Below are the kettlebell exercises in a more detail:
Minute 1 – Kettlebell Slingshot

Benefits of the kettlebell slingshot
The slingshot acts as a great warm up exercise for the shoulders, arms, wrists and core muscles. I also like the slingshot as a great first exercise for switching on the body and mind in preparation for the exercises to come.
Kettlebell slingshot form
Keep your body upright, chest up and eyes looking forwards as you pass the kettlebell around the body. Try to maintain square stationary hips throughout the entire exercise.
How many reps?
30 seconds in each direction
Discover more: Why I love the kettlebell slingshot
Minute 2 – Kettlebell Halo

Benefits of the kettlebell halo
The kettlebell halo opens up the upper back, shoulders and neck acting as a great mobility movement in preparation for further upper body exercises. The halo will also condition the smaller shoulder stabiliser muscles for those weak in this area.
Kettlebell halo form
Maintain an upright position with chin up and eyes looking forwards. Holding the kettlebell with both hands take it around the perimeter of the neckline, the kettlebell will be turned upside down as it circles around the back.
Keep the arms in close to the body and be sure to take the kettlebell all the way back and around the bottom of the neck.
How many reps?
30 seconds in each direction
Minute 3 – Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift

Benefits of the kettlebell single leg deadlift
The single leg deadlift is a very important exercise that will fix muscle imbalances while at the same time improving single leg strength. As we spend most of our time on one leg whether walking or running this is an important exercise to master.
You will also develop very useful core strength through this exercise by connecting the one leg to the opposite shoulder, very important for sports and rotational movement.
Kettlebell single leg deadlift form
With the kettlebell in one hand stand tall and then push the opposite leg backwards to the one holding the kettlebell. Keeping your belly button pulled in and core muscles tight you should pivot forwards at the hips with a flat back.
As the leg continues to move back and up you should maintain a flat back from heel to shoulder. Keep your shoulder pulled back so the kettlebell doesn’t just fall towards the floor. Once the kettlebell reaches the floor reverse the movement keeping the back, leg and shoulder in alignment.
Avoid shrugging the shoulders up towards the ears and rotating the rear leg outwards, keep the toes going down towards the floor.
Want more? Master the kettlebell single leg deadlift
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
Those more advanced can practice the single leg clean and those who find this exercise too challenging the single arm deadlift.
Minute 4 – Kettlebell Windmill

Benefits of the kettlebell windmill
The kettlebell windmill is both a strengthening exercise of the core, shoulders and hips as well as a mobility exercise for the hamstrings, hips and torso.
Kettlebell windmill form
Turn both feet 45 degrees away from the arm holding the kettlebell overhead. Keeping the arm locked out straight and rear leg straight reach down over the front knee. Your objective is to touch the floor but if your hamstrings will not allow this just go down as far as possible. Reverse the position back up to standing.
Learn more: 4 progressions of the kettlebell windmill
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
The windmill is a challenging exercise so beginners can practice just holding the kettlebell overhead with a straight arm for 30 seconds on each side. Beginners can also practice the windmill by holding the kettlebell in the bottom hand rather than the top.
Minute 5 – Kettlebell Swing One Arm

Benefits of the kettlebell swing one arm
The kettlebell swing is a dynamic exercise that works most of the muscles in the body while challenging your cardio at the same time. The one arm swing challenges the shoulder stabilising muscles and the core muscles a little more than the two handed swing variation.
Kettlebell swing form
The kettlebell swing use the deadlift movement pattern meaning the back remains flat while the movement comes from a pivoting at the hips.
To generate the swinging of the kettlebell the hips are pushed backwards and then snapped forwards with a squeezing of the buttocks. Be sure not to lean backwards and over extend the hips. Standing tall with each repetition is a good prompt to remember.
Learn more: 7 kettlebell swing mistakes that with cause back pain
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
Everyone should master the two handed swing before progressing to the one arm swing. Those more advanced can use swing variety or use the kettlebell high pull or kettlebell snatch.
Minute 6 – Kettlebell Clean and Press

Benefits of the kettlebell clean and press
The clean and press is a full body exercise that will develop both strength and muscle. For strengthening the shoulders, arms and upper back the kettlebell clean and press is very effective.
Kettlebell clean and press form
The clean and press can be divided into two parts the clean to the racked position on the chest and then the overhead press.
In order to lift the kettlebell from the floor and up into the racked position the hips are snapped forwards popping the kettlebell up in a straight line close to the body. Once the kettlebell reaches chest height the hand is wrapped around the kettlebell.
With a straight wrist and a tight grip the kettlebell is next pressed overhead to a locked out position. As you press the shoulder should stay down and away from the ear.
Lower the kettlebell down first to the chest and then to the floor slowly and with control, don’t allow it to just fall.
Learn more: How to stop banging your wrists with the clean
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
Those new to the clean can practice just the clean part of the exercise or just the overhead press phase. Those looking for even more of a challenge can try the clean, squat and press exercise.
Minute 7 – Kettlebell Side Lunge

Benefits of the kettlebell side lunge
The kettlebell side lunge will challenge your single leg strength, improve your hip mobility and condition your legs in a lateral movement.
Kettlebell side lunge form
Holding the kettlebell with both hands and keeping your chest up take a large step sideways. Keep your weight back on your heels as you sit your hips backwards into the movement.
Take your time and be careful of the depth of the lunge during your first few repetitions as you allow your hips and groin muscles time to warm up.
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
The kettlebell cossack exercise uses a similar movement pattern so those comfortable with the side lunge can also use the cossack instead.
Minute 8 – Kettlebell Thruster

Benefits of the kettlebell thruster
The kettlebell thruster is a full body and very cardiovascular kettlebell exercise. Not only does the thruster help to promote both flexion and extension movements but it also enables you to press overhead more weight than usual.
Kettlebell thruster form
Sit back and down into a deep squat keeping your chest up and weight back on your heels. Be sure to reach parallel with the floor with your thighs before driving back up and pressing the kettlebell overhead.
The overhead press part of the movement should be a consequence of the momentum of you standing up from the bottom position of the squat.
If your shoulder starts to fatigue you can use your other hand to help support the kettlebell during the squatting part of the exercise. Try to avoid the knees from caving inwards as you descend into the squat.
Learn more: Complete guide to the kettlebell thruster
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
If the kettlebell thruster is a little too advanced for you then you can replace it with the kettlebell goblet squat or the racked squat.
Minute 9 – Kettlebell Regular Row

Benefits of the kettlebell regular row
The kettlebell row is an important exercise for strengthening the back of the body as well as the core, buttocks, lower back and hamstrings.
Kettlebell regular row form
Lean forward at a 45 degree angle keeping your core engaged and back flat. Sit back into your heels and bend your legs slightly absorbing your weight with your hamstrings.
Pull from your elbow back towards your hip making sure to keep your shoulder down and away from your ear. Avoid twisting or rotating by keeping your core tight and body inline with the floor.
Lower the kettlebell back down slowly avoiding the temptation to drop your shoulder or rotating towards the floor.
Those with a weak lower back or previous injury should be careful with this exercise as incorrect form can irritate bulging or slipped discs.
How many reps?
30 seconds on each side
Alternative exercises
Beginners with lower back issues should be very careful with this exercise and maybe even avoid it altogether, those more advanced can try the suitcase row, high pull or renegade row as an alternative.
Minute 10 – Kettlebell Reverse Lunge and Press

Benefits of the kettlebell reverse lunge and press
The kettlebell reverse lunge and press is a challenging exercise that not only works into the legs and buttocks but also shoulders and cardio. You will be surprised at just how fatiguing this kettlebell exercise is especially after all the other kettlebell movements.
Kettlebell reverse lunge and press form
Holding the kettlebell in the racked position against the chest with your elbow in take a good step backwards. Control your back knee towards the floor keeping your front heel on the floor at all times.
Pulling from the front heel return back to standing position before driving the kettlebell overhead.
Keep your chest up throughout the entire movement and keep looking forwards.
How many reps?
30 seconds each side
Alternative exercises
Beginners can hold the kettlebell with both hands and just focus on the reverse lunge or use just one hand but avoid the overhead press. Those more advanced can also use the forward lunge.
Conclusion to this 10 minute kettlebell workout
Ten minutes is an excellent duration to exercise, not only can you active every muscle in your body but it is also long enough to challenge your cardio.
The workout listed above includes 10 kettlebell exercises that have been chosen to challenge your balance, strength, cardio, mobility, coordination, stability and core muscles.
I’d recommend that you experiment with how many times you perform the workout per week and also consider using the listed alternative exercises to keep things challenging.
Take care and enjoy the workout.
Have you tried this 10 minute kettlebell workout? Let me know below….
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