On Monday I introduced you to the limited release of my: 10 Minutes a Day program.
One popular question I’ve been asked is:
How does this differ from your other workout programs?
Well the main difference is that it blends:
- Fat Loss
- Muscle Toning
- Cardio
- Core conditioning
I manage to achieve all of this in only 10 minutes by structuring the program in a very special way like this…
1 – Full Body
Some days the workouts are full body, that means using over 600 muscles in only 10 minutes.
Not only does this create huge demands on calories because muscle needs energy but it also raises your heart rate for the full 10 minutes.
2 – Cardio
Other days it’s just pure no equipment bodyweight cardio. With these workouts we use short intervals switching between short rest periods and quick efforts.
These workouts increase your anaerobic threshold, burn lots of calories and continue to burn fat for hours afterwards due to after-burn.
3 – Upper Body
To build and tone muscle you need density so with the upper body workouts we focus purely on pushing, pulling and the core muscles.
The added density of these workouts allows us to condition: chest, arms, shoulders and the back muscles in only 10 minutes.
4 – Lower Body
The muscles of the lower body are huge fat burners and the buttocks help support and protect the lower back.
Using density training for the lower body you not achieve fat loss but also condition the muscles of the legs and backside.
5 – Core Conditioning
Almost all of the workouts have elements of core conditioning built in.
We don’t waste time on crunches instead we attack the core from multiple directions using a blend of full body and specific stabilising exercises.
A week of the 10 minutes a day program includes all of the above designed in such a way that you get the right exposure, to the right exercises, at the right time.
Designing a program like the above allows you to:
- Workout 5 times per week without overuse injuries
- Get more results in less time
- Avoid boredom from repeating the same workout
The above is the same formula that I use with my personal training clients and the same technique that I used to reduce my clients workouts in half while increasing results.
That’s all for today, take care.
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