Home / 3 Bodyweight Challenges – Beginner, Advanced, Core

3 Bodyweight Challenges – Beginner, Advanced, Core

By Greg Brookes

Bodyweight Workout Challenge
One of the biggest mistakes with any exercise program is doing too much too soon.

If you neglect the basics and push yourself prematurely here’s what usually happens:

1. Get Injured

Muscles adapt quickly to exercise but tendons and ligaments take longer. Once injured exercise has to stop or you risk being plagued with injury for months or even years.

2. Develop Bad Habits

When the body is over stressed like during an advanced exercise the body goes into a survival mode which gets the job done regardless of technique. Bad habits are formed during this survival instinct which then lays down bad movement patterns for the future.

So if you want to avoid getting injured or developing bad habits then you need to start at the beginning

Here are 3 bodyweight challenges for you that progressively get more difficult:

Watch the 3 Bodyweight Challenges here

I recommend that you progressively work your way through each challenge to find your current level.

Even if you are a seasoned kettlebeller I recommend taking 1 day this week to see how you get on. You might be surprised at what exercises trip you up!

Take care and let me know if you have any questions.

To see more posts about bodyweight exercises, go here.

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