Home / 3 Chest and Butt Workouts in Under 10 mins

3 Chest and Butt Workouts in Under 10 mins

By Greg Brookes

Do you want a great looking butt and chest?

It’s amazing the amount of requests I get for information about how to improve the buttocks and chest.

And it’s not just from Men or Women either, it’s from BOTH. It’s seems everyone wants to enhance these areas.

Strong buttocks are the powerhouse of the body, they help you run faster, jump higher, lift heavier, burn more fat and protect against lower back problems.

3 x Butt and Chest Workouts:

Beginner (no equipment)

  • Hip Openers x 8 each side (alternating sides)
  • Y Squats x 8 – 12
  • Rest 60 secs & Repeat 3 – 5 circuits

Watch aย video of the Hip Openers exercise below:

Spending time on your hands in the push up position, as you do with the hip openers, will start to condition your chest, shoulders, triceps and core muscles as well as open up your hips ready for the next level.

Intermediate (bodyweight, or dumbells, kettlebells)

  • Push Ups x as many as possible up to 20
  • Reverse Lunges x 8 – 12 each leg
  • Rest 60 secs & Repeat 3 – 5 circuits

Watch the Kettlebell Reverse Lunge below:

Lunges and Push Ups are the ultimate butt and chest conditioners. Start with no equipment lunges and as you improve hold dumbbells or kettlebells down by your side.

Once you reach 3 sets of push ups move onto the advanced workout below.

Advanced (Kettlebells or Dumbbells)

  • Mountain Climber Push Ups x as many as possible
  • Double Lunges x 8 each leg (forwards and backwards is 1 rep)
  • Rest 60 secs & Repeat 3 – 5 circuits

Watch the Mountain Climbers Push Up below:

The mountain climber push up add extra weight over the chest and so makes them a lot more difficult. The double lunges are my favourite buttock conditioner and highly cardiovascular too.

If you are pushed for time and not sure how to begin exercising then this is a great place to begin. You will hit 100’s of muscles with every workout and build a nice strong foundation for future training.

That’s all for today.

Take care and enjoy your new chest and butt ๐Ÿ™‚


To see more posts about push workouts, go here.

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  1. Scott Avatar

    Hi greg tried your clean and reverse lungs but also put in a press after clean and before lunge for 3circuits totally blown