Home / 3 Steps to a Stunning Backside

3 Steps to a Stunning Backside

By Greg Brookes

Happy Thursday to you.

When I first meet a new female client one of the things that usually comes out of our meeting is how they want to improve the look of their backside.

Male clients don’t tend to be too concerned about their backside but when I explain the importance they usually change their mind.

Benefits of training your backside:

  • Largest Muscle so the biggest fat burner
  • Main hip extensor so prevents lower back problems
  • Most powerful muscle so increases performance
  • Improves your shape from the rear

Here’s my 3 step process for building your backside…

1. Stretch Your Hip Flexors

Tight hip flexors will prevent full extension of your hips. If you can’t extend your hips fully you will not get the full potential from your exercises.

Tight hip flexors are very common due to excess sitting, bad workout programming and limited mobility through the hips.

Use this Hip Flexor Stretch below…

2. Activate Your Backside

Encourage full muscle recruitment by activating your backside muscles.

The backside muscles can get very lazy because of excess sitting and also compensation from the lower back and hamstrings.

Learn to feel your backside muscles working and encourage correct muscle activation by performing a simple muscle activation exercise.

Use these Muscle Activation Exercises below…

3. Use the Correct Exercises

Certain exercises will hit your backside directly whereas others will hit your backside and other muscles like thighs, and hamstrings.

Here are my recommended exercises..

1. Hip Bridge – one leg or two
2. Bird Dog – great for your core muscles too
3. Single Leg Deadlift – backside, hamstrings, core
4. Swings – backside, hamstrings, cardio, back
5. Lunges – backside, thighs, hamstrings
6. Squats – backside, thighs, hamstrings

Ladies often don’t want to build up big thighs so I would usually start with the first 4 exercises above.

Lunges and Squats are great for the backside but I would keep the reps higher for women to prevent too much muscle growth in the thighs… 20 reps +

Sample Backside Workout

  • Hip Bridge x 10 reps
  • Swings x 20 reps
  • Alternating Lunges x 20 reps total
  • Squat and Press x 20 reps total
  • Bird Dog x 8 each side

I hope you have found this useful and encourage you to start spending more time on developing your backside for more calorie burn, better performance and less back pain.

That’s all for today,

Take care and have a great day,


P.S. Women Only… See my 12 Week Women’s Program here

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