Home / 30 Day Kettlebell Challenge – No. 2

30 Day Kettlebell Challenge – No. 2

By Greg Brookes

30 Day Kettlebell Challenge

NEW 30 Day Kettlebell Challenge – Starts Monday!

After the great success of the last kettlebell challenge and many requests for more I thought it was time to launch a new challenge.

So here goes!!! Spread the word and join me online to perform a total of 12 workouts, and to produce some truly great results.

How it Works

  • Starting Monday 17th March 2014 we will be performing one of my Kettlebell Workout Finishers, the Full Body Blitz, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other days are rest days!
  • Each workout day I will be posting my personal time and adding support and feedback for everybody on Facebook and Twitter.
  • We continue to complete the workout schedule until the last workout day on Friday 11th April 2014.

What You Need to Do To Join In

  1. Like my Facebook page and then under the 30 Day Challenge image add to the comments section saying that you are “Excited to start the Kettlebell Challenge on Monday”
  2. Click to Tweet to spread the news on Twitter
  3. If you use Pinterest then Pin the image at the top of this page

Each workout day post your workout time on my Facebook Page under the correct image.

The Full Body Blitz Workout

We will be performing the same workout for the 30 days.

We are going to be using 2 hugely beneficial exercises for this challenge. You will gain strength, add muscle and lose fat by using over 600 muscles in each workout. The workout should only take between 10 – 20 minutes!

The workout is simple:

  • 10 Kettlebell Snatches (each side)
  • 10 Double Lunges (each side)
  • 9 Kettlebell Snatches (each side)
  • 9 Double Lunges (each side)
  • Complete 10 circuits reducing both exercises down my 1 each round until you reach 0.

At the end of the workout you will have performed a total of 55 Snatches and 55 Double Lunges on each side.

Time each workout so you can share your results on Facebook and we can monitor progress.

Tips for the Workout

Start Steady

Spend the first week just getting used to the workout. For many people this will be a time of adjustment as your motor system gets used to the movements, your tendons and ligaments strengthen, and your cardiovascular system improves. Spend this first week just getting through the workout as best you can, record your time but don’t be a slave to it.

Build a Workout Habit

Probably the most underestimated part about any exercise program is habit building. It doesn’t take long to build a habit. Ensure that you NEVER miss a session, even if you only perform 1 circuit of the workout, just make sure you do something. Try to exercise at the same time each day if possible, this helps to solidify your habit. I like to exercise first thing in the morning before I have time to think up excuses or life gets in the way.

The First Week is Always the Hardest

Getting through the first week should be your primary objective. Forget about recording amazing times or beating yourself up, just get through the first week. You will be amazed at how much better your workout will feel by the start of the 2nd week.

Increasing the Weight

The body is an incredible adapter to exercise. During week 2 or 3 you may find that you are flying through the workout without too much trouble. If you find that you are recording times of 10 minutes or below then you will need to increase the kettlebell weight.

Goal Setting & Progress

Building a regular exercise habit should always be your first goal. It’s pointless going crazy for 1 week and then giving up. However, once you have got through the first week you can start to challenge yourself a little more and start to make some serious progress. As you know, progressive overload is the key to any fitness program and will ensure the results continue to keep rolling in ๐Ÿ™‚

Here is a technique for improving your time and continuing progress:

Time Your Rest Periods

Perform your Snatches and then your Double Lunges immediately afterwards. Next take a rest for 30 – 60 seconds. Try to keep your rest the same for each round. So perhaps for your next workout you try 60 seconds rest. The workout after that 50 seconds and so on. The ultimate goal is to reduce your rests down to the minimum of only a few seconds. I use a [easyazon_link asin=”B00CP4XVHS” locale=”US” new_window=”yes” tag=”kettleworko0a-20″ add_to_cart=”yes” cloaking=”no” localization=”yes” nofollow=”yes” popups=”yes”]Gymboss Interval Timer[/easyazon_link] to make this process simple and motivating.

9 Reasons Why You Will Get Incredible Results

1. Simplicity

Research shows that the easier something is the more likely we are to repeat it and build a habit. I know from experience that complicated workouts with too many exercises never get performed more than a few times. 30 days of just 1 or 2 exercises is more effective than only a few days of lots of exercises. Plus all you need is one kettlebell and a few feet of space!

2. 80/20 Rule

Pareto’s principle states that approx. 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. In other words when you look at all the possible exercises you can perform in a workout most results come from only a few chosen exercises. The Kettlebell Snatch and the Double Lunge are extraordinary exercises that generate a huge metabolic overload. These 2 exercises are our 20% that cause 80% of the effects.

3. Over 600 Muscles Activated

Both the Kettlebell Snatch and Double Lunge are so effective because they use so many muscles with just one movement. In fact both exercises use so many muscles that you will be amazed at how much your heart rate goes up and how you will struggle to fuel these muscles.

4. Afterburn or EPOC

Most cardio workouts stop burning calories not long after the workout is over. This is not the case for our Full Body Blitz workout. We create such metabolic disturbance during our workout that you will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours after the workout. This is called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. So just as you are finishing burning calories from your last workout it’s time for the next! In other words you will continue burning calories day after day after day!

5. Peripheral Heart Action

You will find this workout rapidly improves your heart and lung capacity. One of the reasons for your dramatic improvements is due to blood shunting. As you move between Deep Double Lunges and High Kettlebell Snatches your heart has to work hard to drive oxygen around your body. Snatches will shunt blood to the upper body and the Double Lunges will shunt it to the Legs and Buttocks.

6. Interval Training

We all know by now that slow steady cardio is highly ineffective for fat loss. Short bursts of hard work followed by rest periods has been proven time and time again to be more productive. Our Full Body Blitz Workout is an excellent form of interval training.

7. It’s Super Quick

You will be hard pushed to find a workout that is as quick and as effective for fat loss as this one. Using so many muscles and combining the workout into an Interval Format makes this workout highly effective in only 10 – 20 minutes of training time.

8. Less Injury Potential

Yes you need to be able to swing a kettlebell correctly but once you have this mastered then this workout is great for anyone who needs to avoid heavy impact through their joints. No need for hopping, jumping or running, this workout will strengthen up your body from head to toes without hardly moving your feet.

9. Fun and Motivating

Although tough this is a fun workout. Ordering the workout with a countdown element like this makes the workout more motivating. Throw in a timer and you have a means to keep a record of your improvements. Plus, with us all on Facebook supporting each other this certainly won’t be as dull as a regular gym workout.

Got Questions?

What weight kettlebell should I use?

Choose a kettlebell you can comfortably snatch with one hand for 15 – 20+ reps. I will use a 24kg, my wife will be on a 12kg, I have friends that will be on a 32kg.

I’m a beginner, is this workout OK for me?

Unlike the Perfect Pair workout that we used last time this challenge is a little more advanced. However, you can make it easier for yourself by replacing the exercises with easier alternatives. See below:

What if I can’t perform the Snatch?

Then no problem, it’s a very tough exercise! You can simply replace the Snatch with the regular Single Handed Swing.

What if I can’t perform the Double Lunge?

The Double Lunge is a really tough one but you can make it easier. Replace it with the Reverse Lunge or perform the Double Lunge but without the Kettlebell.

What if I can’t manage all 10 circuits?

No problem. Just perform as many rounds as you can and share your progress with the group on Facebook or Twitter. With time you will find that your endurance will improve and you’ll complete the 10 rounds.

Do I need to warm up first?

Yes. If you are performing the workout first thing in the morning then you will need to warm up for longer. I recommend Neck, Shoulder and Hip circles, followed by 10 Yoga Squats and 10 Bodyweight Lunges (See video below).

Should I stretch afterwards?

Your nervous system will be so revved up after the workout that stretching immediately will not make much difference. Stretch later in the evening when your body is more responsive and relaxed. Work on tight areas affected by the workout like the Hip Flexors and Quads.

The Exercises You Need To Know

Here are 3 videos that demonstrate each exercise together with the warm up yoga squats…

Important: 1 rep is forwards and backwards

Share Your Workout Times

I look forward to supporting your progress on Facebook and Twitter. By posting your times each day it improves your ability and motivation to finish the 30 days.

Don’t forget to visit each workout day and post your time, I’m always there if you need me!

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  1. CombatSportsFitness Avatar

    Wow. Sounds like a real challenge! Looking forward to starting this!