Home / 30 Day Kettlebell Clean Challenge

30 Day Kettlebell Clean Challenge

By Greg Brookes
30 day kettlebell clean challenge

The kettlebell clean is one of the big foundational kettlebell exercises and together with this 30 day challenge you will learn how to perform it correctly along with its many variations.

The kettlebell clean is a compound exercise using all the major muscle groups. Performing the clean correctly will strengthen your entire body from head to toe and improve your posture, protect your lower back, teach correct hip hinge technique, burn calories and challenge your cardio.

I’ve put together this 30 Day Kettlebell Clean Challenge to help you master this often neglected exercise and also to better understand how to progress the different clean variations.

3 Steps to get started:

Accountability is important for the success of any workout challenge so:

  1. Download the challenge by clicking here
  2. Add in the comments below that you are “starting the challenge
  3. Check-in daily adding that you “completed the workout” and any further comments or questions that you may have (I’ll be checking in daily)

30 Day kettlebell clean challenge

Each day we will be performing a different clean workout for a total of 30 days.

The workouts have been put together so they can be performed daily without the need for a rest day. However, should you feel that you need to take a day off then please do so, you can always extend the challenge to accommodate for the extra rest days.

You will notice that the workouts get more and more challenging as the days progress, this is done by increasing the repetitions and also the complexity of the exercises. If you find that an exercise is too difficult then simply replace it with an easier variation. Similarly, if the reps are too much then just do what you can.

The reps are designed to be performed in one go without taking a break or placing the kettlebell down but if you need to complete the reps in 2 or 3 smaller blocks with breaks in between then that is fine.

Each workout should take you less than 10 minute to complete so switch your focus on, avoid any distractions and push hard.

Do I need to warm up first?

The simple answer is yes, you should run through a general mobility warm up first just to lubricate the joints and also improve your joint mobility, which is important in and of itself.

Here’s a 5 minute joint mobility warm up…

Once you have completed the more general warm up above you can perform a few repetitions of the exercise that is included within your workout but with a lighter kettlebell or simply your bodyweight.

For example, the first workout uses the regular clean, so perform 5 – 10 reps with a lighter kettlebell on both sides first.

If you are more experienced and are using a challenging kettlebell then I’d suggest 2 sets of warm up reps, for example:

  1. 5 reps 12kg on both sides (warm up)
  2. 5 reps 16kg on both sides (warm up)
  3. 5 reps 24kg (started the workout)

What kettlebell weight to use for the challenge?

As with all weight training, always select a weight that allows you to perform good quality repetitions but also challenges you.

Women will most probably use an 8kg, 12 kg or 16kg and Men a 16kg, 24kg or 32kg.

As the exercises change each day you may need to use a different weight on different days. For example, you will be able to use a heavier kettlebell for the clean exercise than for the clean, squat and press.

Learn more: Buying the correct type and weight of kettlebells

What about using 2 kettlebells at the same time?

For those more advanced then you can perform many of these exercises with 2 kettlebells, one in each hand.

Unless you are comfortable using a challenging weight, Men 24kg and Women 16kg, then I’d focus on developing basic strength with 1 kettlebell first.

If you can lift heavier then I’d recommend starting with:

  • Men 2 x 16kg
  • Women 2 x 12kg

Those that are ready to start using 2 kettlebells will already have a very good understanding of what weights they can manage, the above is just a simple suggestion.

Should this challenge replace my regular workout?

If you are already involved in a regular workout schedule then you may wonder how this type of challenge will fit into your daily practice.

If you have been weight training for many years on a regular basis then you may be able to add this challenge to your regular schedule. Just be aware that the fatigue will build within your body over the course of the 30 days.

For most, just performing this challenge on its own and staying busy will be a perfect start. Consistency is more important than anything else so just completing this challenge will be a great springboard into other workouts and training habits.

Try to take each day as it comes and develop a habit of getting the workouts done, it will pay off in the long run 🙂

The 6 kettlebell cleans used in this challenge

There are 6 different kettlebell clean variations used within this challenge. Each variation will target slightly different muscles, movements and skills.

1 – Kettlebell Clean

The basic kettlebell clean is the first variation you need to learn. Based on the all important hip hinge movement pattern the clean predominantly uses the hips to elevate the kettlebell to chest height.

You will be activating your buttocks, hamstrings, back and core muscles during this exercise.

Many people struggle with this exercise, often banging their wrists or allowing the kettlebell to clash into the chest.

It is important to concentrate on using the hip snap to drive the kettlebell up vertically in front of the chest. Don’t loop the kettlebell up and over like with a kettlebell swing. Keep it close to the body.

Still having problems with the clean? Watch this…

Remember to ONLY use your arms to guide the kettlebell into the racked position rather than lifting with the arms. The hips do all the work.

One indicator that you are using your arms too much is soreness in the upper back (trapezius muscles) and also the biceps and crook of the arm.

If you find that the kettlebell is pinching on the back of your wrist then this is a kettlebell handle spacing issue rather than a form problem. The only way to fix this is to purchase a kettlebell with the correct dimensions as I suggest in my kettlebell buying guide here.

2 – Bottoms Up Kettlebell Clean

The bottoms up clean is a tricky exercise that I’ve included to help improve your technique. You will need good balance, alignment and core control in order to master this exercise.

The basic clean movement is the same for this variation except you flip the kettlebell upside down, squeeze the handle and balance the kettlebell for 5 – 10 seconds.

You will quickly learn how hard you need to snap your hips to get the kettlebell to float into position at the right height.

Be sure to keep your elbow in nice and tight to enable good alignment and stability. A strong wrist and grip is also important to stop the kettlebell from flopping over.

Warning: when first practicing this exercise be careful that the kettlebell doesn’t hit you in the face. Practice in a place where you can quickly drop the kettlebell if needed.

3 – Kettlebell Clean and Press

For the next kettlebell clean variation we are adding a press to the movement. The addition of a press at the top turns this kettlebell exercise into a full body movement challenging most of the muscles from head to toe.

The practical application of this exercise is also apparent, basically lifting something from the floor and placing it overhead.

The dynamic nature of this exercise plus the distance that the kettlebell has to travel makes this exercise very cardiovascular too.

You have two pressing options from the racked position either a static press which means keeping your legs locked and pressing straight overhead or by using the push press.

Here’s how to use the push press…

You are much stronger in the clean part of the exercise than the press part, it’s basically buttocks vs shoulders.

The push press, as demonstrated above, is an easier variation of the press and has the advantage of you being able to use a heavier kettlebell for the clean and press.

One final point. When performing the clean and press make sure you pause for a second or two in the racked position with the kettlebell against the chest before pressing overhead. Taking this extra time between the two movements ensures better technique and a second to reset.

4 – Kettlebell Clean, Squat and Press

Next we start to mix a few exercises together into a complex movement that will not only challenge more muscles but really increase your heart rate too.

You will need to switch your brain on for this exercise because there is a lot going on and mistakes can easily be made. If you are not happy with squatting or the clean and press then I suggest you practice those first.

You can work through the exercise like this:

  • Clean to the chest
  • Squat to the floor
  • Stand and drive the kettlebell overhead
  • Lower the kettlebell to the chest
  • Lower the kettlebell to the floor
  • Repeat

The complete movement should be performed at a nice consistent pace. No jerking. Just nice and smooth.

5 – Kettlebell Side Lunge and Clean

Now we move on to the more advanced exercises.

The side lunge and clean requires you to be comfortable with both the side lunge and the kettlebell clean exercises separately. If the side lunge gives you problems then use a different clean variation.

The introduction of the side lunge adds lateral movement to the exercise which targets very different muscles as well as helping to open up your hips.

You will achieve a lot more quad activation using this clean variation than any of the others.

Be sure to keep your back flat and core braced throughout the exercise to help protect your lower back and maintain good posture.

6 – Single Leg Kettlebell Clean

The final exercise is one of my favourites and requires a full kettlebell clean while standing on one leg.

You will achieve good glute activation as well as a strong connection through the sling systems of the body from hip to opposite shoulder.

You will probably find that one side is much more challenging than the other. If this is the case then start with your weakest side and let this guide how many reps you perform on the other.

Learn more: 5 best single leg kettlebell exercises

3 Steps to get started:

Accountability is important for the success of any workout challenge so:

  1. Download the challenge by clicking here
  2. Add in the comments below that you are “starting the challenge
  3. Check-in daily adding that you “completed the workout” and any further comments or questions that you may have (I’ll be checking in daily)

Enjoy the challenge and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below…

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    1. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 30 completed. That’s it, all done. Thanks Greg, that was a good challenge.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, well done Duncan for seeing it through to the end.

    2. Duncan Avatar

      Day 29 completed.

    3. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 26 completed. Just realised I did it wrong last time: I was doing a racked lunge, without the clean. This time required a lot more coordination and leg strength.

    4. Duncan Avatar

      Day 25 completed.

    5. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 24 completed.

    6. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 23 completed.

    7. Duncan Avatar

      Day 22 completed. That was harder. My right leg struggled to keep good form, being the weaker leg.

    8. Duncan Avatar

      Day 21 completed.

    9. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 20 completed.

    10. Duncan Avatar

      Day 19 completed.

    11. Duncan Avatar

      Day 18 completed.

    12. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 16 & 17 completed.

    13. Duncan Avatar

      Day 15 completed.

    14. Duncan Avatar

      Day 13 & 14 completed.

    15. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Day 11 completed.

    16. Duncan Avatar

      Day 10 completed

    17. Duncan Avatar

      Day 8 completed.

    18. Duncan Avatar

      Day 6 completed.

    19. Duncan Avatar

      Day 3 completed. Pretty easy so far.

    20. Duncan Brindley Avatar
      Duncan Brindley

      Clean challenge day 2 completed.

    21. Duncan Avatar

      Clean challenge started today. Day 1 completed.

    22. Annette Avatar

      Day 29 complete

    23. Annette Avatar

      Day 27 completed.

    24. Annette Avatar

      Day 26 completed

    25. Annette Avatar

      Day 25 completed.

    26. Annette Avatar

      Day 24 completed

    27. Annette Avatar

      Day 23 all done.

    28. Annette Avatar

      Day 21 done. Could only get in 12 reps on each side within the time limit.

    29. Annette Avatar

      Day 20 complete. Now considering the 4 week challenge as I’ve enjoyed this.

    30. Annette Avatar

      Day 19 complete

    31. Annette Avatar

      Day 18 completed.

    32. Annette Avatar

      Day 17 complete.

    33. Annette Avatar

      Day 14 complete. No longer petrified of using 8kg weights on both hands. I could only do it comfortably using my right hand at the start.

    34. Annette Avatar

      Day 13 completed.

    35. Martha Avatar

      Day 12 Done but back to my 10 lb for these with the press! I can press the 20 on my right side but my left shoulder can’t do it…yet!

    36. Martha Avatar

      On Day 1 I had to use a 10 lb KB–at least on my nondominant side. Today, Day 11, I did the first of the 4 sets with the 10 lb and then completed the other 3 with the 20 lb. That’s a jump but I don’t have anything in between those two weights right now.

    37. Annette Avatar

      Day 11 completed.

    38. Linda Avatar

      Hello! I am brand new to the world of kettlebells, just managed to start the challenge and complete day 1. I know I am a little late to the 1st January party, but better late than never?!

    39. Annette Avatar

      Day 10 complete.

    40. Annette Avatar

      Day 7 complete.

    41. Annette Avatar

      Day 6 complete

    42. Amrita Avatar

      Just started day 1. Also doing the other 30-day challenge and fat loss program (week 6).

    43. Martha Avatar

      On Day 1, these KB Cleans felt very awkward. I needed to lighten my KB to 10 lbs especially for my left (nondominant side). Missed Day 3 but completed Days 3 and 4 yesterday. Day 5 done today! Left side is still not quite as smooth as the right but the move is feeling easier and I need to find a slighter heavier KB!

    44. Annette Avatar

      Day 5 complete

    45. Annette Avatar

      Day 4 complete.

    46. Daniel James Avatar
      Daniel James

      Starting today January 4th 2021

    47. Annette Avatar

      Day 3 done.

    48. Martha Avatar

      Day 2 checkin…bottoms up done!

    49. Annette Avatar

      Day 2 complete. I’m right-handed so just the one set of reps was straightforward. More practice needed.

    50. Brad Kramer Avatar
      Brad Kramer

      Just finished day 3

    51. Martha Avatar

      Day 1 done! It’s a little trickier to do on my nondominant side, which is also significantly weaker having not rehabbed as well as I would have liked it to, after rotator cuff surgery several years ago.

    52. Annette Avatar

      Staring the challenge today Jan 01 2021.

    53. Marie Agusto Avatar
      Marie Agusto

      Starting the challenge Jan. 1st, 2021 in Nanaimo BC, Canada

    54. Nicole Avatar

      I’m starting the challenge on Jan 1 2021!

    55. Anne Avatar

      Greg, I did this challenge last July I the middle of pandemic. Look forward to doing it again in January 2021 with hope that pandemic may be over this year. TY!

    56. Martha Avatar

      I’m in on the Kettlebell Clean challenge as well. Starting January 1, 2021.

    57. Magnus Johansson Avatar
      Magnus Johansson

      I begin January 1st 2021 💪🏻

    58. Karen Avatar

      Starting Day one! This is just what I need to get back to my workout routine.

    59. mike delorme Avatar
      mike delorme

      starting jan 1 /2020. my goal is to complete the entire workout and finish with 20 pistol squats with good form.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Wow 20 pistol squats! That really will be a challenge.

    60. Jacob Avatar

      Ready to start the Challenge January 1st!

    61. Daniel Labarre Avatar
      Daniel Labarre

      Starting the challenge

    62. Lisa Avatar

      Day 1! Looking forward to this challenge!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, welcome aboard Lisa.

    63. Peter Kell Avatar
      Peter Kell

      Starting tomorrow.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Sounds good Peter 🙂

    64. DEE LEUTHE Avatar

      Okay, I’m in, started today…..12/12/2020

    65. Jason Avatar

      Starting the challenge

    66. Elizabeth Avatar

      Beginning Day 1 tomorrow. 🙂

    67. Deanna Avatar

      Day 1… done

    68. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 29

    69. SylviaB Avatar

      Will be doing day 1 tomorrow after I am done with weight training!

    70. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 28

    71. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 27

    72. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 26

      1. Perma23 Avatar

        Starting tomorrow and can’t wait to add this to my other routines as I’m getting back into school.

    73. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Finished day 30 – thank you, Greg!

    74. Caleb Elfenbein Avatar
      Caleb Elfenbein

      Thank you for this challenge! I used it as a finisher after exercises provided by your app. I’m all in, Greg!

    75. Flora Avatar

      Wow! an almost consistent 30 day workout. Completed day 30 today. Thank you Greg, your layout and detailed information are truly helpful. I am feeling fairly well and now considering the squat challenge in order to strengthen these legs and improve balance. Again thanks a million.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Brilliant, well done Flora

    76. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 25

    77. Flora Avatar

      Days 28 & 29 completed.

    78. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Day 30 completed, I forgot to report. It was a great challenge, I can’t wait for the next one, it is very motivating to be part of this.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, well done Isabelle.

    79. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 24

    80. Flora Avatar

      Day 28 completed.

    81. Marty Avatar

      Disappointed that I couldn’t completHappy e the challenge. Day 16 right knee swelled up, been on Rice and doing exercises with physio . Waiting for X-rays- possible arthritis . Looking forward to a new monthly challenge when a bit better.

    82. Jill Avatar

      Clean challenge completed!! Thks for encouraging a daily habit of exercising. Look forward to your next challenge & are really enjoying & learning from your weekly newsletter.

    83. Ed Avatar

      3 more days to go for me (I missed a weekend)

    84. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 27.

    85. Thilo Avatar

      Day29+30 completed
      Thank you

    86. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 29 & 30 done! 7/30 at 4:11 USA time!

    87. Michelle Avatar

      Clean challenge complete! Thanks so much for these challenges! Looking forward to the next one.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Brilliant, well done Michelle

    88. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 27, 28 and 29 completed. really hard.

    89. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 23

    90. Karin Avatar

      I finished the challenge! That was great! What’s the next one, Greg? 🙂

    91. Matthew Avatar

      Completed Day 30… yay

    92. Gheila Lees Avatar
      Gheila Lees

      Completed 30 days!

    93. Sonia Avatar

      Last post I mixed up the day of my fav new move Which is Those side lunges that really work the inside thighs. Still feeling it. Will be incorporating that move into my weekly routine.
      Next Challenge. Plz!!

    94. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 26

    95. Claudia Avatar

      I started and completed this challenge as a daily challenge… 1st one I have tried. Found the side lunge clean was one of my favorites. Still have much to learn and practice.

    96. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 30! Thanks Greg, really enjoyed this challenge. I’m going back to my S&S/TGU routine at the weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, well done Nigel

    97. Charles D. Avatar
      Charles D.

      Thanks, Greg for this excellent routine. I am 71 and have had a left shoulder issue for 4 years with pain, instability, and weakness. This routine using a 16kg KB has gotten me back to a 90% level. I plan to continue with a heavier KB. I suspect continuing this and including the windmill will get me very close to 100%.

    98. Jim Avatar

      Day 30 complete. Good Times! Thanks Greg 😊

    99. Reggie Avatar

      Days 12 & 13 completed

    100. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      Challenge completed. Motivated to go one with KB. Like your website and looking forward to the next challange. Thank you very much

    101. Monika Avatar

      day 30 completed! Thanks, Greg for another great challenge.

    102. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workouts 28 & 29.

    103. MB Avatar

      Day 30 complete!

    104. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 30 completed. Clean, Squat, Press, 20 reps L&R. Thanks Greg.

    105. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 27 & 28 done yesterday

    106. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      DAY 29 & 30 DONE!! Great experience AND THANK YOU Greg for the knowledge AND support!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Congratulations Karen

    107. Jim Avatar

      Day 29 complete

    108. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 22

    109. Flora Avatar

      Day 25 completed.

    110. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 29 completed

    111. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 29 completed. Single Leg Clean, 15 reps L&R.

    112. Sandy Grannis Avatar
      Sandy Grannis

      Ta da!! Challenge complete✅
      Side lunges were the most difficult for me. Bottoms-up are improving. Thank you, Greg!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, congratulations Sandy

    113. Monika Avatar

      day 29 completed. I supstituted side lunges instead of single leg lift.

    114. Thilo Avatar

      Day28 completed

    115. Zoe Avatar

      Days 29&30 – completed!
      What’s next challenge?

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Brilliant, well done Zoe.

    116. Sunny Avatar

      Day 28 Done. Yay. 😉
      I did enjoy day27. Still small ache In inner thighs. Never had any of my workouts
      Hit the inner thighs as that. Will def add that move into my routine after this challenge !!

    117. Jim Avatar

      Day 28 complete

    118. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 21

    119. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-28: Day 28 complete.

    120. Monika Avatar

      day 28 completed.

    121. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 28 completed Clean and Press, 25 reps each side.

    122. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 25 & 26 done

    123. Jim Avatar

      Day 27 complete. Needed to drop the weight to complete the task.

    124. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 27. 1st set looked like I’d had 8 pints of Special Brew. Only 4 pints by set 3

    125. Matthew Hall Avatar
      Matthew Hall

      Day 27 – balance exercises are always tricky, but good for core 😄

    126. Flora Avatar

      Day 24 completed

    127. Monika Avatar

      day 27 completed. It was not pretty. I don’t like single leg anything which means I should practice it more. 😁

    128. Reggie Avatar

      Day 10 completed

    129. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 27 completed. Single Leg Clean 2 x 5 each leg.

    130. Gerard Avatar

      day 27 completed. heavy exercise for my left side

    131. Thilo Avatar

      Day27 completed

    132. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-26: Day 26 completed.

      1. Keith Phillips Avatar
        Keith Phillips

        7-27: Day 27 completed.

    133. Flora Avatar

      Days 22 and 23 completed.

    134. Phil Avatar

      30 days completed with 25 lb bell.
      16 kg bell to be delivered tomorrow
      Should I start over at day one with the new bell?

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes you can do Phil, or use it for the squat challenge for a month

    135. Jill Avatar

      Days 19-26 completed!!

    136. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 24, 25 & 26 completed. Great challenge.

    137. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 26

    138. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 27 & 28 complete. Balance issue with single leg. Used slight opposite toe touch to stabilize move. 22 lb bell in motion!!

    139. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 26 completed. Side Lunge and Cleanm 15 reps L&R.

    140. Reggie Avatar

      Day 9 completed

    141. Monika Avatar

      day 26 completed

    142. Thilo Avatar

      Day 25+26 completed,
      also Day 24, but cant see my Comment

    143. Zoe Avatar

      Day 27 – kettlebell single-leg clean. I felt like I was drunk, swaying in all directions 😀 😀 😀 but I really liked it – it involves a lot of muscles especially stabilizers. It reminds me to return to Bulgarian lunge.

    144. Jim Avatar

      Day 25 complete..got to 22 reps each side and some extra effort to push the remaining reps out. (Any coincidence 25 reps on the 25th day).

    145. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-25: Day 25 in the books!

    146. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 23 & 24 done

    147. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 25

    148. Flora Avatar

      Day 22 completed.

    149. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 25 completed

    150. Michelle Avatar

      Day 25 complete! Cleans are definitely smoother

    151. Michelle Avatar

      Day 25 complete cleans are definitely smoother!

    152. Reggie Avatar

      Day 8 completed

    153. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Day 22 complete

    154. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 25 completed. Clean, 25 reps L&R.

    155. Monika Avatar

      day 25 completed. Thought it would be an easy one and used the heavier kb. Without rest it still made me breath harder.

    156. Jim Avatar

      Day 24 complete and week 4 complete of 12 week MBP.

    157. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-24: Day 24 completed.

    158. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 24 completed

    159. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 24.

    160. Eric Avatar

      one day left, day 29 of 30 complete!

    161. Thilo Avatar

      Day24 completed

    162. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 24 completed. Clean, Squat, Press, 15 reps L&R. Safely home from Scotland to Portsmouth, only 3 detours, one on the M6, one on the A34 and one on the M27 adding 2 hours to the journey (9.5 hours total).

    163. Bob Avatar

      Day one (1) of Kettlebell Squat Challenge Completed

    164. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 25 & 26 done using 22 lb bell. Have gained ground overall!

    165. Monika Avatar

      day 24 completed

    166. Reggie Avatar

      Day 7 completed. 19 each side, 24kg

    167. Thilo Avatar

      Day22+23 completed

    168. Eric Avatar

      2 days left, then going to double up

    169. Monika Avatar

      day 23 completed.

    170. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 21, 22 & 23 completed. Getting harder. I never practiced the side lunge and clean before. Great exercise.

    171. Flora Avatar

      Day 21 completed.

    172. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 20

    173. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 23.

    174. Zoe Avatar

      Day 25 & 26 – done.
      Big challenge today – switch from 8 to 12 kg for the lunge. I have to work on the technique.

    175. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-23: Day 23 completed.

    176. Michelle Avatar

      Day 22 complete – liked learning a new movement. Will definitely be adding it to my workouts!

    177. Ed Hartman Avatar
      Ed Hartman

      2/3 of the way through the clean challenge-am approaching the side lunge tomorrow with a bit of trepidation

    178. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 23 completed

    179. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 22

    180. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 20.

    181. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 19

    182. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      day 19 & 20 done

    183. Matthew Avatar

      Just completed Day 22… I like the new exercise (side lunge & clean) 👍

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Thanks Matthew but it does take some practice 🙂

    184. Phil Avatar

      Day 25 & 26 done this a.m.
      Low back is tightening up. Almost done!🏋️

    185. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-22: Day 22 completed.
      Now THIS is a Challenge! I like it!

    186. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 23 & 24 done. Used 22 lb bell this time for bottoms up. Left hand okay until last 4 reps. Wobbly! Stayed with 22 lb for C/S/P. Feeling productive!!

    187. Hudson Avatar

      Day 28 done.
      Starting the 12 Week program on Saturday

    188. Monika Avatar

      day 22 done. First time ever doing side lunges and clean. Went well.

    189. Reggie Avatar

      Day 6 completed

    190. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 22 completed

    191. Zoe Avatar

      Days 22-24 – done 🙂
      Yesterday I did 3×8 instead of 3×5 clean, squat and press 😀 and this was the first time I used 2×8 kg bells

    192. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7:21: Day 21 complete.

    193. Michelle Avatar

      Day 21 complete – 15 reps/side

    194. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 21 done

    195. Flora Avatar

      Day 19 completed.

    196. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 21

    197. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 21 & 22 completed using 22 lb bell. Good addition this week!

    198. Thilo Avatar

      Day21 completed

    199. Simon Avatar

      Haven’t commented for a while, but completed all workouts up to day 20 ! Cleans have never felt so good! Feeling smooth, effortless and strong. Gone and ordered a heavier kettlebell!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Brilliant, well done Simon

    200. Monika Avatar

      day 21 completed

    201. Reggie Avatar

      Day 5 completed

    202. Michelle Avatar

      Day 20 complete!

    203. Thilo Avatar

      Day20 completed

    204. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 18

    205. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-20: Day 20 completed.

    206. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout no.20. (Typo yesterday, should’ve read 19)

    207. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 18.

    208. Eric Avatar

      Complete through day 24, feeling the difference!

    209. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Day 18 complete

    210. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 20 complete. Loving it!

    211. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      completed day 20

    212. Reggie Avatar

      Day 4 completed

    213. Monika Avatar

      day 20 completed

    214. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 17 & 18 done. I’m still recovering from bunion surgery so I can’t do the other programs. ;-( I’m doing low impact youtube videos though! Feels good to be using the bells!

    215. Mano Avatar

      Completed Day 19

    216. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-19: Day 19 completed.

    217. Phil Avatar

      22 & 23 done.

    218. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 18 and 19 completed.

    219. Reggie Avatar

      Day 3 completed

    220. Flora Avatar

      completed day 17

    221. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 17

    222. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 20. Feeling stronger. There’s method in this! 🙂

    223. Sandy Grannis Avatar
      Sandy Grannis

      Day 20 done ✅. 10 to go!

    224. Monika Avatar

      day 19 completed. My left shoulder is doing really well. Pain free for ten days now.

    225. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 19 completed

    226. Zoe Avatar

      Hi Greg,
      Inspired by your article “Why Does Kettlebell Training Work?” I realized that there is one more benefit:
      You save time and money. Time because you can train whenever and wherever you want to and money – you invest just once in buying the kettlebells.
      I spent 10 days holiday in the countryside and I trained every day – just because my kettlebells were with me 🙂
      So, days 12-21 completed.

    227. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      Slowly catching up. Day 15 using 10#’s, day 16 using 15#.

    228. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-18: Day 18 completed.

    229. Jill Avatar

      Days 17 & 18 completed!

    230. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 16

    231. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Days 21, 22 and 23 completed. Clean, Squat and Press 90 secs, Side Lunge and Clean 30 reps, Bottoms Up 48 reps.

    232. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 16.

    233. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 18

    234. Monika Avatar

      day 18 done and dusted

    235. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 18 & 19 complete. Staying with 22 lb bell as I am working on 2 other challenges at the same time.

    236. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Day 16 complete.

    237. Reggie Avatar

      Day 2 complete

    238. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 18 completed. sometimes forget the squat but made all the reps

    239. Thilo Avatar

      Day18 completed

    240. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      days 13 & 14 done. 14 was 21 reps each side

    241. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-17: Day 17 complete.

    242. Nigel Avatar

      completed the workout 17

    243. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 15/16/17 completed. the heart is really pumping so quickly with kettlebells.

    244. Flora Avatar

      Missed day 15 due to yardwork but struggled through it today. will use lighter weight next time.

    245. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 17 completed

    246. Matthew Hall Avatar
      Matthew Hall

      Day 17 completed… getting harder 😉

    247. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      On holiday in Scotland, recovering from 500 mile drive. Days 19 and 20 completed. Clean and Press 40 reps + Clean 50 reps.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Well done Keith, enjoy Scotland

    248. Phil Avatar

      Day 21 done.
      12 per side

    249. Anne Avatar

      Sorry I haven’t been checking in daily. Off schedule by one day, but loving this challenge. I have some lower back pain issues, but mobility exercises followed by the daily challenge are a big help.

    250. Reggie Avatar

      Day 1 complete

    251. Monika Avatar

      day 17 completed

    252. Reggie Avatar

      Starting the challenge

    253. Sandy Grannis Avatar
      Sandy Grannis

      My question yesterday wasn’t clear re bottoms up. Is it cheating if the bell is cleaned off the ground with handle vertical? Probably is since it’s somewhat easier.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes Sandy, that is how I perform the movement

    254. Odilon Avatar

      starting the challenge

    255. Thilo Avatar

      Day17 completed

    256. Jill Avatar

      Days 14, 15, & 16 completed!

    257. Thilo Avatar

      Day16 completed

    258. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-16: Day 16 completed.
      The KB clean will become a regular feature in my routine!

    259. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      Days 11 & 12 done. worked in nicely with Fat Loss program week 1 Thursday.

    260. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout no. 16. Back to feeling my old self today!

    261. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 16 & 17 completed using 22lb for cleans and 20lb for bottoms up. Strength is growing!

    262. Karin Avatar

      Sorry I haven’t checked in for awhile, but completed Day 15 yesterday AND have been able to go up in weight!! 🙂

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, good progress Karin

    263. Phil Avatar

      Day 20👍

    264. Monika Avatar

      day 16 completed

    265. Sandy Grannis Avatar
      Sandy Grannis

      Hi Greg.
      Just finished day 16. Question: is it cheating to have the bell handle north/south when doing bottoms-up?

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Well I guess then it’s just a regular clean Sandy.

    266. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 16 completed

    267. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-14: Day 14 completed;
      7-15: Day 15 completed.

    268. Thilo Avatar

      Day15 completed

    269. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 15

    270. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 15. Felt fatigued today but got my workout done. I think week 3 will be the hardest week.

    271. Phil Avatar

      Complete through day19.
      Installed a chin up bar in the garage to further the “pulling “ effort. Been many years since I hauled myself over a bar

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Sounds like a good idea Phil

    272. Jules Avatar

      Day 14 completed!

    273. Jim Avatar

      Completed day 15 and into week 3 of MBP..things are getting more challenging and enjoying it.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Great, well done Jim

    274. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 15 done. Still sticking with 22lb bell. Also, FANTASTIC workout generator AND app! Love them both!! Thank you so very much!

    275. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 14, now the challenges begin.

    276. Flora Avatar

      completed day 14.

    277. Monika Avatar

      day 15 completed; I loved this combination

    278. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 15 completed

    279. Mary Avatar

      Day 14 complete, I am also noticing that the bottoms up are getting easier.

    280. Paul Avatar

      Completed days 13 and 14

    281. Christine Avatar

      Late starter – days 1 & 2 completed

    282. Zoe Brener Avatar
      Zoe Brener

      Week 2 completed, on track. Also doing the Australian stadium stomp challenge. As it is virtual this year, for obvious reasons, the challenge is to complete 25,000 steps in one month. Because they understand we won’t be able to get to flights of stairs easily, they accept squats, step-ups, lunges and walking/jogging uphill. So I count all my clean exercises as part of this. So far, I have 20, 306 steps.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        That sounds like a fun challenge Zoe 🙂

    283. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 14

    284. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 13 and 14 completed. 90 seconds is a long time but it was worth it.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes, getting more challenging now Isabelle

    285. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 14 completed with 22lb bell. I broke it up into 10 reps x 3 sets each side. Sorry about not using the 90 second request!

    286. Thilo Avatar

      Day14 completed

    287. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout no. 14.

    288. Flora Avatar

      Completed day 13.

    289. Hudson Avatar

      Apparently I skipped a day somewhere… Day 20 complete. Started with 35# and have progressed to a mix of 45# and 52#. Looking forward to the next week and a half.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Great progress Hudson, well done

    290. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 18 completed. Clean, Squat, Press, 24 reps. Victim of success, I now squat deeper so I have to work harder!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        That’s right Keith 🙂

    291. Monika Avatar

      day 14 completed. Haven’t posted the last few days but haven’t missed a day yet.

    292. Jules Avatar

      Days 12&13 completed.

    293. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 14 completed

    294. Adam Wirdzek Avatar
      Adam Wirdzek

      Restarting today – was out of town for 10 days, not able to travel with my KB. Here’s to Day 1 again!

    295. Thilo Avatar

      Day13 completed

    296. Michelle Avatar

      Finished day up to day 13! Bottoms up are getting easier!

    297. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-13: Day 13 completed

    298. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 13

    299. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout #13. Starting to feel those forearms burn holding for the full 10 secs!

    300. Flora Avatar

      Day 12 completed.

    301. Jill Avatar

      Days 11, 12, & 13 completed!

    302. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 17 completed. Bottoms Up 24 reps each side.

    303. Antonio Avatar

      Day 12 done

    304. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 13 completed

    305. Paul Avatar

      Completed day 12

    306. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 11 and 12 covered.

    307. Mark Avatar

      I’m in … as a late starter

    308. Thilo Avatar

      Day12 completed

    309. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout 12. My hip hinge for swings has always been OK but been less happy for cleans. I feel this is benefiting from some regular Practice.

    310. Flora Avatar

      completed day 11.

    311. Antonio Avatar

      Finished day 11. Have not posted every day. No problems any more with Bottoms’s up balance.

    312. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 16 completed. Clean, 25reps each side.

    313. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 12 & 13 completed using 22lb for clean/press and 20lb for bottoms up. Left grip is improving!!

    314. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 12 completed

    315. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      Days 9 & 10 done!

    316. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-11: Day 11 completed.

    317. Paul Avatar

      Completed day 11

    318. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 12

    319. Thilo Avatar

      Day11 completed

    320. Monika Avatar

      day 11 completed

    321. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout No.11

    322. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 11 completed

      1. Keith Phillips Avatar
        Keith Phillips

        7-12: Day 12 completed

    323. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 15 completed. Clean, Squat, Press,10 reps each side.

    324. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Days 1-11 complete!

    325. JIm Avatar

      Day 11 of the challenge completed and Muscle Building Prog. week 2 completed. The workouts are great and the recovery is okay as well…staying with 20kg until I can purchase more weight with my preferred manufacturer which happens to be out of stock in those sizes at this time. 2 thumbs up with the new KB Workout Generator Trainer. I like the versatility, visual demo’s and the details of each exercise. Thank you Greg.

    326. Flora Avatar

      Day 10 completed.

    327. Jules Avatar

      Day 11 completed!

    328. Paul Avatar

      Completed days 9 and 10

    329. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-10: Day 10 completed.

    330. Thilo Avatar

      Day10 completed

    331. Matthew Avatar

      Completed first ten days… harder than it sounded, but am enjoying it

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Well done Matthew, keep going

    332. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      day 9 done, 15#,
      1st sett added 15 pushups on knees
      2nd set 15 goblet squat
      3rd set 15 suitcase rows

    333. Jules Avatar

      Day 10 completed! Form was going a bit on the last few reps of the final round. I was using a 12kg. I had to reset.

    334. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout No.10

    335. Flora Avatar

      Day 9 completed.

    336. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 10 & 11 done with 22lb bell. Feels good!

    337. Phil Avatar

      Day 15 done

    338. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 14 completed. Clean and Press 90secs each side.

    339. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 10 completed. still like it

    340. Annette Avatar

      Good morning, hope I’m not too late. Starting the challenge today.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Never too late Annette

    341. Holger Avatar

      Days 8 and 9 in the bag.

    342. Arleen Avatar

      Day 10 complete

    343. Riaan Hugo Avatar
      Riaan Hugo

      Thanks for your comments on overloading the hip movement. By combining the clean challenge with a session of rowing and swings my lower back started getting sore – now I understand why. I ll carry on with the challenge but leave out the swings and rowing and combine with something else– maybe TGU

    344. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-9: Day 9 completed.

    345. Joannie Huang Avatar
      Joannie Huang

      Good morning, 1st 10 days completed !!

    346. Jason Borges Avatar
      Jason Borges

      Starting the challenge.

    347. Jill Avatar

      Day 9 completed

    348. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Day 8 completed

      1. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
        Isabelle M Louis

        Actually it was Day 9, the dreaded bottom’s up but I am improving!

    349. David Russo Avatar
      David Russo

      Started the challenge.

      1. Dave Russo Avatar
        Dave Russo

        Completed day 1 – thank you, Greg! Still doing my regular kettlebell routine too.

        1. Dave Russo Avatar
          Dave Russo

          completed day 2

          1. David Russo Avatar
            David Russo

            completed day 3

            1. David Russo Avatar
              David Russo

              Completed day 4

            2. DR Avatar

              Day 5 and 6 in the books!

            3. DR Avatar

              Days 7 & 8 in the books.

            4. DR Avatar

              Day 9 done!

            5. DR Avatar

              Day 10 done and in the books. Added a twist of the feet during the press to activate other muscles.

        2. DR Avatar

          falling behind, so catching up a tad with days 11, 12, 13, 14 over the weekend and today.

    350. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      day 7 done

    351. Phil Avatar

      Day 14 complete. 23/22 reps. Ugh!

    352. Zoe Brener Avatar
      Zoe Brener

      On track! Loving every minute! Day 10 completed 😎

    353. Mike Avatar

      Ok, I will get it started tomorrow. Thanks.

    354. Tom Gibbs Avatar
      Tom Gibbs

      Day 9…completed the workout! …and for the first time my bells didn’t fall down from the bottom’s up position. Progress visualized 🙂

    355. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 9 done with 20lb bell. Will continue to work on my left hand grip!

    356. Joanj Avatar

      I’ve just had a look at the excersises and I’m starting this tomorrow.

    357. Flora Avatar

      Day eight completed.

    358. Heather E. Avatar
      Heather E.

      Started the challenge on July 1. Haven’t missed a day yet. I’m a huge believer in Russian KB….best fitness plan ever.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Well done Heather, keep going

    359. lgd Avatar

      it’s never too late to start…going for it tomorrow morning.

    360. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout No. 9

    361. Cindy Avatar

      Completed days 1-8 with 15lbs kettlebell.

    362. Charles Avatar

      Just completed my 9th day using 35lbs (16kg). Very surprised at how sore I have gotten with so few movements! Really enjoying the routine!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, well done Charles

    363. Damien Steele Avatar
      Damien Steele

      Started on day 1, completing everyday! Great challenge, stoked to see what’s next!!

    364. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 9 compleet

    365. Monika Avatar

      day 9 completed

    366. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 13 completed. Bottoms Up, 20reps each side.

    367. Jules Avatar

      Morning! Day 8 completed.

    368. Thilo Avatar

      Day9 completed

    369. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-8: Day 8 completed.

    370. Paul Avatar

      Completed days 5, 6, 7 and 8.

    371. Arleen Avatar

      Day 9 done. Better control on the bottoms up KB cleans so – increased weight on bottoms up by 50% 🙂 to 15 lbs

    372. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Day 8 done.

    373. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 11

    374. Thilo Avatar

      Day8 completed

    375. Christian Avatar

      Day 8 done w/24 kg (push press). Paired with max bw squats x 2 mins.

    376. Ursula Avatar

      oops forgot to log in – up to date!

    377. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      day 7 done, 15# x 15 reps, 10# x 5 reps, right
      same on left side

    378. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      Day 6 done 7/7

    379. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout, day 8. The first challenging day for me at this weight but done!

    380. Tom Gibbs Avatar
      Tom Gibbs

      Day 8…completed the workout!

    381. Flora Avatar

      60 sec k-clean done

    382. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      day 8 completed

    383. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Days 1-8 complete!

    384. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 8 using 22lb bell. Think I will stick with this but 20lb for the bottoms up!

    385. Phil Avatar

      Day 13 done. Curve getting steeper!

    386. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 12 completed. 30reps.

    387. Jules Avatar

      Day 7 I managed 18 Reps in the 60 second clean segment. 10 with the 16 kg, then I dropped to my 12 kg. Should I have carried on with the 16 but with more resetting?

      1. Jules Avatar

        that’s each side

      2. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Nope, you did the right thing Jules.

    388. Jules Avatar

      Days 5, 6, 7, and 8 completed. These were compressed as I went to the hairdressers for the first time in four months and wanted to enjoy my hair for a few days before getting it sweaty again! Hopefully some of you understand. Thanks Greg.

    389. Monika Avatar

      day 8 completed: my left shoulder is damaged, while I have no problem doing the clean, press is harder to do, it’s also weaker naturally, I could only use the 20lb kb for now and do push press on the left side, while doing the press with the ride side. But it’s still good because I’ve come a long way from not being able to use the left arb because of shoulder pain to doing this.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        I’d avoid all overhead work on the bad shoulder Monika while it heals

        1. Monika Avatar

          I don’t know if it ever will. I’ve had it for years. Calcific tendonitis. I need to keep it moving so that it wont get stuck again. Exercises helped me so far. Of course I can’t do as much as I want and not as heavy either on that side.

    390. martin smith Avatar
      martin smith

      day 11 completed , have not posted every day ,feeling very good with this thank you Greg

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Excellent, well done Martin

    391. Zoe Avatar

      Days 9, 10 and 11 – done! 💪

    392. Nat Avatar

      Day 7 done yesterday just after dinner (the only meal of the day yesterday)

    393. Arleen Avatar

      Day 8 done

    394. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-7: Day 7 completed.

    395. Rance R. Avatar
      Rance R.

      Completed days 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Haven’t posted in a couple of days.

    396. Antonio Avatar

      Day 5 yesterday and day 6 today completed

    397. Jill Avatar

      Completed days 5 & 6

    398. Michelle Avatar

      Haven’t been posting daily but week 1 complete!

    399. Thilo Avatar

      Day7 completed

    400. Stephen Marks Avatar
      Stephen Marks

      Day 7. Going from 3×5 24kg cleans to one minute per side is a big leap. Managed 18 before come loss of form at about 45 seconds. Should have used a 20.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes you can change the weight for this Stephen, or just take your time and do what you can.

    401. Christian Avatar

      Day 7 done. 24kg. Paired with push-ups 3×15 and 24kg rows 3×6.

    402. Nigel Avatar

      Completed workout 7. First week done!

    403. Isabelle M Louis Avatar
      Isabelle M Louis

      Days 6 and 7 done.

    404. Tom Gibbs Avatar
      Tom Gibbs

      Day 7…completed the workout

    405. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 7 with 22lb bell. Love the move!

    406. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      compleet day 7. 25 reps left and right

    407. Flora Avatar

      Days 5-6 done, behind by one day.

    408. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 11 completed. 40reps.

    409. Phil Avatar

      Day 12 done. Whew!

    410. John M Avatar
      John M

      Started the challenge (yesterday – July 6)

    411. Monika Avatar

      day 7 completed: I did get 30 reps total 15 on each side without rest. Does that sound about right? I didn’t want to rush the reps.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes that is excellent Monika and what I tend to aim for.

        1. Monika Avatar

          Thanks, Greg!
          Are you going to do a snatch challenge at some point? 😁 Please?

          1. Greg Brookes Avatar

            Maybe Monika but I have a few others in mind before that 🙂

            1. Monika Avatar

              Looking forward to future challenges. 🙂 Thank you!

    412. Arleen Avatar

      Day 6 (forgot to post yesterday) and Day 7 done

    413. Karin Avatar

      Day 12 done!

    414. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-6: Day 6 completed.

    415. Christian Avatar

      Day 6 done w/16kg.

    416. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 10

    417. Gerard Koster Avatar
      Gerard Koster

      days 3,4,5 and 6 completed

    418. Tonye Avatar

      Starting the challenge

    419. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Day 6 with 20lb bell. Grip strength needs work on left!

    420. joan ffolliott Avatar
      joan ffolliott

      Oops! Getting started a bit late. Day 1 done.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Better late than never Joan

    421. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout No. 6. Hard holding the bell for a pause in the racked position with my left, but did it.

    422. Ron Avatar

      I have been doing the daily workouts. On Day 7, tomorrow for me, it says Kettlebell Clean 60 seconds. Do you do as many as you can in 60 seconds or do you hold one for 60 seconds?

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        As many as you can Ron, goal is 30 reps

    423. Tom Gibbs Avatar
      Tom Gibbs

      Day 6…completed the workout!

    424. Phil Avatar

      Day 11 done.

    425. Karin Avatar

      Day 11 done! (I started early) 🙂

    426. Ron M. Avatar
      Ron M.

      Day 6 complete!

    427. Matthew Avatar

      Completed Day Six…

    428. Monika Avatar

      day 6 done. I had to separate the challenge from my 12 weeks for women program today, which I do first. It took a lot out of me today. Week 4 day 1 with 12kg kb. Before I used the slightly lighter 25lb kb plus I walk the dog first thing in the morning before doign the kb workout.

    429. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 10 completed. Clean and Press 30reps.

    430. Thilo Avatar

      Day6 completed

    431. Grainne Hendrey Avatar
      Grainne Hendrey

      Day 5 done.

    432. Zoe Avatar

      Day 8 – completed

    433. Holger Avatar

      Day 5 completed.

    434. Eric Avatar

      10 Days down, tomorrow is Kettlebell Clean 4×5 reps. no sweat

    435. Sandy Swanson Avatar
      Sandy Swanson

      day 5 done!

    436. Arleen Avatar

      Day 5 done

    437. Keith Phillips Avatar
      Keith Phillips

      7-4: Day 4 completed;
      7-5: Day 5 completed

    438. Tom Gibbs Avatar
      Tom Gibbs

      Day 5…completed the workout!

    439. Simon Avatar

      forgot to post previous days but completed days 1-4 and persuaded the wife to join me too! will do day 5 short!

    440. Andrew Johnson Avatar
      Andrew Johnson

      Day 5 complete

    441. Antonio Avatar

      Day 4 completed. Still struggling with balance.

    442. Flora Avatar

      completed day 4 today while supporting bell at the top.

    443. Christian Avatar

      Day 4 done w/16kg. (Forgot to log yesterday) Day 5 done w/24kg.

    444. Vallery Lee Avatar
      Vallery Lee

      Days 3 and 4 completed today

    445. Jill Avatar

      Day 5 completed

    446. Nigel Avatar

      Completed the workout No. 5

    447. Kimon Avatar

      Completed the workout 9.

    448. Sandy Avatar

      Day 7: Did 16 & 17 cleans (left, right) with 16kg.

    449. Karen Conrad Avatar
      Karen Conrad

      Stayed with the 20lb bell on day 5. Maybe increase weight a bit after first week?

    450. Keith R. Avatar
      Keith R.

      Day 9 completed. Bottoms Up x 32.

    451. Thilo Avatar

      Day5 completed

    452. Phil Avatar

      Day 10. Cruisin’ right along.

    453. Sandy Grannis Avatar
      Sandy Grannis

      Hi Greg,
      Just completed day 7. Bottoms up from the ground are super humbling. This is great practice for me. Perhaps by the end of the challenge I can manage a few decent ones. Thank you

    454. Monika Avatar

      day 5 completed. Feels like the kb is floating up into the crock of my arm.

    455. Rita Petko Avatar
      Rita Petko

      Completed next couple days

    456. Grainne Hendrey Avatar
      Grainne Hendrey

      Days 3 and 4 done.

    457. Nat Avatar

      Day 5 completed!

    458. Antonio Avatar

      Day 3 completed yesterday 🙂

    459. Jill Avatar

      Day 4 completed

    460. Paul Avatar

      Completed days 3 and 4.

    461. Charlie Avatar

      Day 3 and 4 workouts completed

    462. Dwayne Avatar

      Day 4 done. The bottom up is telling me my left side is weaker than my right.