Home / 30 Minute Kettlebell Workout for Men and Women that are Advanced

30 Minute Kettlebell Workout for Men and Women that are Advanced

By Greg Brookes
30-minute kettlebell workouts

Today’s full-body workout is the 3rd in my series of timed kettlebell workouts, this is a 30 minute kettlebell workout for men and women that are more advanced.

You can also see my 10 minute kettlebell workout and 20 minute kettlebell workout if this one is too long or too challenging for you.

Let’s get started:

How to Use this 30 Min Kettlebell Workout

Today’s 30 minute kettlebell workout is designed to test your strength training endurance, cardio, movement skills and determination.

As with all my timed kettlebell workouts your goal should be to complete the workout without putting the kettlebell down between exercises.

As a personal trainer I like to use time rather than reps for many of my challenges because it allows you to exercise at your own pace and slow things down as you fatigue or speed exercises up as you progress.

I use a Gymboss Interval Timer when I perform these timed workouts because you can set it to beep at you every 30 seconds so you know when to change exercises.

Beeping interval timers are also very motivational and a great way to help to keep you honest as you start to fatigue.

How often should you perform this workout?

This 30 min kettlebell workout for men and women doesn’t focus on any particular muscle group but rather works your complete muscular system from head to toe.

Due to these large demands on your overall fitness, you will need to take at least a day’s rest after you have completed this workout.

To progress and to continually challenge your body you should try to work a little bit harder each time you perform this challenge. Each time try to perform a few extra reps and take a little less rest in between exercises.

What kettlebell weight to use?

As this is an advanced kettlebell routine you should already have a good idea as to what kettlebell you should be using. Always start with a light weight kettlebell and get through the workout first before increasing the load.

As a general guide men will use a 16 kg kettlebell or more and women a 12 kg kettlebell.

There should be no reason why you need to change kettlebells throughout this workout so grab your kettlebell and try not to put it down until the 30 minutes is over.

Discover more: 7 ways to progress your workouts without adding more weight

The 30 Minute Kettlebell Workout

I’ve included a list of the 15 kettlebell exercises within this 30 min workout below for quick reference.

Here are the 15 kettlebell exercises included in this 30 minute workout:

  1. Kettlebell Slingshot x 1 minute
  2. Kettlebell Bottoms Up Clean x 2 minutes
  3. Kettlebell Halo x 1 minute
  4. Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift x 2 minutes
  5. Kettlebell Windmill x 2 minutes
  6. Kettlebell Two Handed Swing x 1 minute
  7. Kettlebell Clean and Press x 2 minutes
  8. Kettlebell Suitcase Row x 2 minutes
  9. Kettlebell Swing One Arm x 2 minutes
  10. Kettlebell Reverse Lunge and Press x 2 minutes
  11. Kettlebell Regular Row x 2 minutes
  12. Kettlebell Snatch x 2 minutes
  13. Kettlebell Thruster x 2 minutes
  14. Kettlebell Side Lunge and Clean x 2 minutes
  15. Kettlebell Reverse Turkish Get Up x 5 minutes

Below are the kettlebell training exercises in more detail, using a one minute interval:

Minute 1 – Kettlebell Slingshot

kettlebell slingshot exercise
kettlebell slingshot exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell slingshot

The kettlebell slingshot is the first kettlebell exercise I teach. The slingshot will switch on the body and help you to acclimatise to the weight. Great for the grip, arms and shoulders.

Kettlebell slingshot form

Stand as tall as possible with tight buttocks, keeping your hips and shoulders facing forwards as you pass the kettlebell around the body. Arms should be straight and shoulders down.

How many reps of each movement?

30 seconds in one direction and then 30 seconds in the other.

Discover more: Why I love the kettlebell slingshot

Minutes 2 & 3 – Kettlebell Bottoms Up Clean

Kettlebell bottoms up clean
Kettlebell bottoms up clean exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell bottoms up clean

The kettlebell bottoms up clean will help warm up your body by focusing your attention and improving your body alignment. Your hips, buttocks and legs will be activated as will your core and grip.

Kettlebell bottoms up clean form

Hinging at the hips with a flat back snap your hips forward to pop the kettlebell straight up close to your body. Once the kettlebell gets up to ribs height take your arm underneath the kettlebell to catch it upside down in the bottoms-up position.

Keep your elbow in nice and tight and balance the kettlebell for 5 seconds before returning it to the starting position.

How many reps?

60 seconds on each arm trying to hold the bottoms up position for 5 seconds each time.

Minute 4 – Kettlebell Halo

kettlebell halo exercise
kettlebell halo exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell halo

The kettlebell halo is the perfect warm-up exercise for the upper back, shoulders, and grip. Not only will the halo open up the joints of the upper body but will also condition the small stabilising muscles too.

Kettlebell halo form

Stand tall keeping the eyes looking forwards as you take the kettlebell around the head. At the back of the head, the kettlebell should be turned upside down.

Keep your elbows and the kettlebell as close to your neckline as possible.

How many reps?

30 seconds clockwise and then 30 seconds anti-clockwise.

Learn more: Understanding the kettlebell halo

Minutes 5 & 6 – Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift

Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift
kettlebell single Leg deadlift exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell single leg deadlift

The kettlebell single-leg deadlift is a multi-functional exercise that everyone can benefit from using.

First it helps improve your hip hinge enabling you to move correctly while stabilising your spine with your core muscles.

Second, the movement fixes any imbalances that you may have between your right and left sides.

Finally, it improves your single leg strength and being as though we spend most of our time on one leg whether walking, running or playing sports it’s invaluable.

Kettlebell single leg deadlift form

Push your opposite leg to the one holding the kettlebell backwards and pivot forwards at your hips allowing the kettlebell to pull you towards the floor.

Use your core muscles to keep your back flat and in alignment from heel to shoulder. At the bottom reverse the movement ensuring that you keep your weight back on your heel at all times.

Learn more: Single leg kettlebell deadlift guide

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side

Minutes 7 & 8 – Kettlebell Windmill

Kettlebell Windmill Exercise
Kettlebell Windmill exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell windmill

The kettlebell windmill will improve your upper back, shoulder and hip mobility while at the same time improving your stabilising strength in your shoulders and core muscles.

Kettlebell windmill form

With your feet double shoulder width apart and pointing at 45 degrees away from you hold the kettlebell overhead with a locked-out arm.

Looking at the kettlebell push your hips backwards and take the non kettlebell arm down and touch the floor between your legs.

Your back leg should remain locked straight, your front leg can bend a little.

Learn more: Master the windmill with these 4 progressions

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side

Minute 9 – Kettlebell Two Handed Swing

Kettlebell two handed swing
Kettlebell two handed swing

Benefits of the kettlebell two handed swing

The two handed kettlebell swing is a full body exercise that challenges most of the muscles in your upper and lower body as well as improving your posture, strengthening the posterior chain, developing explosive power and improving your cardio.

Kettlebell swing form

Swing the kettlebell between your legs with both hands by thrusting your hips backwards and forwards. Be sure to hinge at your hips during this exercise and keep your lower back flat by bracing your abs.

The kettlebell should reach no higher than shoulder height, avoiding the American swing which goes overhead.

Discover more: 5 smart ways to supercharge the kettlebell swing

How many reps?

60 seconds of non stop swings.

Minutes 10 & 11 – Kettlebell Clean and Press

Kettlebell Clean and Press
Kettlebell clean and press exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell clean and press

The kettlebell clean and press is a total body exercise that will activate most of the muscles in your body while also challenging your heart and lungs.

Kettlebell clean and press form

Using your hips pop the kettlebell straight up to chest height before wrapping your hand around the kettlebell.

From the racked position with the kettlebell against your chest press the weight overhead keeping your shoulder down and away from your ear.

Bring the kettlebell back down slowly with control first to the chest and then down to the floor.

If you find the overhead press too challenging on your shoulders after a few reps then use the push press exercise instead.

Master the move: Stop banging your wrists and clean like a pro

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side.

Minutes 12 & 13 – Kettlebell Suitcase Row

Kettlebell suitcase row
Kettlebell suitcase row exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell suitcase row

The kettlebell suitcase row strengthens the back of the body including the upper back, core and hamstring muscles.

Kettlebell suitcase row form

Take a bent-over position with the back flat, knees slightly bent and weight back on your heels, and feet together.

Pull the kettlebell up and to the side of the body in a rowing motion, aiming for the hip.

Don’t allow your shoulders to rise towards your ears. Lower the kettlebell back down with control.

Learn more: 6 kettlebell row variations

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side

Minutes 14 & 15 – Kettlebell One Arm Swing

Kettlebell Single Hand Swing Exercise
Kettlebell single hand swing exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell one arm swing

The kettlebell one arm swing, like the two handed swing, activates practically every muscle in your body. The single arm swing variation challenges your shoulders a little more and also your rotational core muscles too.

Kettlebell one arm swing form

Using the same technique as the two handed swing drive the kettlebell up to chest height by using your hips. Keep your arm straight and your shoulder packed back into its socket.

Don’t allow the upper body to rotate too much at the bottom of the swing, your wrist should stop when it contacts your inner thigh.

Learn more: 7 common swing mistakes that will cause back pain

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side

Minutes 16 & 17 – Kettlebell Reverse Lunge and Press

Kettlebell Lunge and Press Exercise
Kettlebell reverse lunge and press exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell reverse lunge and press

The kettlebell reverse lunge and press is one of the best exercises for strengthening the legs, hips, buttocks and shoulders while also challenging your cardio.

Kettlebell reverse lunge and press form

Holding the kettlebell against the chest in the racked position take a good step backwards. Your chest should be lifted and the back knee drop as close to the floor as possible.

Pull back to the starting position by using your front heel. Drive the kettlebell overhead keeping your shoulder down and away from your ear.

Learn more: 5 alternatives to lunges for bad knees or toes

How many reps?

60 seconds each side

Minutes 18 & 19 – Kettlebell Regular Row

Kettlebell regular row
Kettlebell regular row exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell regular row

The kettlebell regular row, like the suitcase row, will strengthen the back of your body from your upper back down to your hamstrings. Your core muscles will also be used heavily during this rowing exercise.

Kettlebell regular row form

With your feet shoulder width apart lean forwards at 45 – 60 degrees keeping your back flat and core muscles tight.

Legs should be slightly bent with your weight back on your heels. Row the kettlebell back towards your hip keeping your shoulders down and away from your ears.

How many reps?

60 seconds on each side.

Minutes 20 & 21 – Kettlebell Snatch

Kettlebell Snatch Exercise
Kettlebell snatch exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell snatch

The kettlebell snatch is an explosive exercise that develops the hips, legs, buttocks, core and back.

Kettlebell snatch form

Keeping the kettlebell as close to your body as possible pull the weight overhead using your hip drive to create the momentum.

When the kettlebell reaches the top, punch your hand through the handle to avoid it from banging your wrist.

Throw the kettlebell out and over your wrist to return it to the bottom position.

Learn more: Ultimate guide to the kettlebell snatch

How many reps?

1 minute on each side

Minutes 22 & 23 – Kettlebell Thruster

Kettlebell thruster
Kettlebell thruster exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell thruster

The kettlebell thruster is a full body exercise that will rapidly start to challenge your cardio.

Kettlebell thruster form

With the kettlebell in the racked position against the chest squat down nice and deep before driving up from your heels and using the momentum of the movement to push the kettlebell overhead.

Return the kettlebell to the chest with control before repeating the movement.

Learn more: Master the kettlebell thruster

How many reps?

1 minute on each side

Minutes 24 & 25 – Kettlebell Side Lunge and Clean

Kettlebell side lunge and clean
Kettlebell side lunge and clean exercise

Benefits of the kettlebell side lunge and clean

The kettlebell side lunge and clean is a challenging exercise that develops the hips and legs as well as the core and back muscles. An excellent exercise for improving your hip mobility too.

Kettlebell side lunge and clean form

Begin with the kettlebell against the chest in the racked position and then take a large step sideways keeping your weight back on your heels.

As you step sideways take the kettlebell down towards the floor. Try to go as deep as your flexibility will allow keeping your one leg straight.

As you drive up and back to the standing position clean the kettlebell back to the chest.

Learn more: 16 kettlebell lunge variations

How many reps?

1 minute on each side

Minutes 26 to 30 – Reverse Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
Reverse the kettlebell Turkish get up exercise above

Benefits of the reverse kettlebell Turkish get up

The reverse Turkish get up exercise will activate over 600 muscles in your body as well as strengthen your small stabilising muscles and challenge your mobility and movement skills.

Reverse kettlebell Turkish get up form

The reverse Turkish get up is a complex movement that starts with the kettlebell overhead with a straight arm before slowly making your way to the ground in a lying down position and then returning to the starting position again.

Once at the top take the kettlebell down and change hands. You can use the clean and press or the snatch to get the kettlebell to the top overhead position at the start of each rep.

For a much more detailed breakdown: Ultimate guide to the Turkish get up

How many reps?

5 minutes changing hands after each rep

Conclusion to this 30 minute Kettlebell Workout

This is the 3rd in my series of timed kettlebell workouts and also the most challenging.

The objective is to complete all 15 kettlebell exercises without putting the kettlebell down.

You can expect your heart rate to increase rapidly, no major muscle group to be left untouched and your grit and determination to be tested.

Take a good day’s rest after each workout to fully recover.

For even more of a challenge you could complete the whole thing with a heavier bell making sure to use good form and keeping rest times to a minimum.

Take care and enjoy.

Have you tried this 30 min kettlebell workout for men and women? Let me know below….

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  1. Antรณnio Avatar

    Awesome workout to pump up the body ๐Ÿ’ช
    Thnx for sharing!

  2. Christa Avatar

    Awesome workout, thanks so much! I did 500 jump ropes after just for fun.