Home / Are 4 Minute Workouts Enough?

Are 4 Minute Workouts Enough?

By Greg Brookes

Do you want to exercise for longer than 4 minutes?

A common question I get asked is this:

Greg, I love your workouts but sometimes I feel I want something longer than just 4 minutes. What do you recommend?

I’m going to give you a longer workout that really made me blow yesterday but before I do let me explain a few quick points.

Why Workout Intensity Matters

I hope by now you realise that intensity is better than duration. The more intense the workout the harder your body is forced into making changes.

Your body is an incredible adapter so as soon as you push it through an intense workout it says:

Hey, that was tough, I need to make that easier next time by increasing muscle and cardiovascular output.

It’s pushing your limits that forces the change!

Why Intense Workouts are Short

It makes perfect sense doesn’t it that the harder you push yourself the less time you can handle.

100m sprinter Usain Bolt couldn’t run 1500m or even 400m at his 100m flat out pace. He has to slow down and so the intensity slows down too!

Short Workouts Are Better For Your Body

I’m 42 years old and I don’t recover from workouts as quickly as I used to.

As you age your speed for recovery from any type of injury slows down. Workouts impart micro injuries that just like other injuries need time to heal.

Shorter workouts don’t overload your hormonal system and are much quicker to recover from so you can perform them more frequently.

Shorter + More Frequent produces better results than Longer + Less Frequent!

Shorter Workouts Mean You Don’t Quit

If somedays the thought of performing a workout just makes you feel miserable you are not alone.

However, the thought of just a 4 minute workout, now that’s bearable right?

I’ve discovered that longer workouts for most of us are just not sustainable. And as I mentioned earlier shorter and more frequent is better than longer and less frequent.

For Those Who Want More (20 minute workout)

OK, as promised here is a longer workout. I tried this yesterday and I have to say, as I sit here writing this I’m still feeling it.

  1. High Knees (30/30) x 5
  2. Push Ups (30/30) x 5
  3. Jump Lunges (30/30) x 5
  4. Kettlebell Swings (30/30) x 5

Perform each exercise 5 times for 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest.

High Knees – change for low knees or jumping jacks if they get too much. After 5 rounds of this exercise I already felt like I had done a great cardio workout.


Push Ups – change for shoulder taps or slow mountain climbers if needed. I managed 15 reps the first few rounds and then faded to 12’s.


Jump Lunges – this is an advanced exercise so be very careful, change for forward lunges, dumbbell, kettlebell or bodyweight if just beginning. My legs and backside were totally fried after this.


Two Handed Kettlebell Swings – if you are new to Swings perform them first rather than the high knees. If you don’t use kettlebells then perform Burpees, or Y Squats. I used a 24kg and it finished me off!



My No.1 Exercise Rule

Stay safe and follow logical progressions.

For example, don’t Burpee until you can Squat. Don’t Jump Lunge before you can perform a regular Lunge. Don’t use weights until you can perform the same exercise without weights.

Logical progressions will keep you safe. Just like you learn to walk before you can run your body has a natural order. This is your filter, if anyone tells you to do otherwise then ask them why!

OK, I hope you found this useful.

Take care,


Do you use short and intense workouts? Let me know your comments below:

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    1. Rob Avatar

      I used to think that more is better but now that I’m working out in less time and turning up the intensity I feel much better then I ever have.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Yes it’s a common misconception Rob, keep rockin’

    2. Jane Avatar

      You provide so much information, great video demonstrations (always with a smile and no ‘better than thou attitude’). Love your posts!

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Thanks for the kind words Jane, I hope life is treating you well.

    3. Nicole Gingras Avatar
      Nicole Gingras

      Hi Greg,
      I’m 66 years old and I’m wondering what kind of exercices from your programs I can do. For now, i do bodysculp twice a week and i walk twice a week to.