If you are new to kettlebell training or only have limited experience then this is the article for you. Below I’ve listed 5 simple kettlebell exercises for beginners that you should learn before any others.
Just mastering these 5 exercises will ensure the rest of your kettlebell training slots beautifully into place.
Below I’ve also included 4 x kettlebell workouts for beginners that you can use to practice the exercises.
View the best kettlebell starting weights
OK, let’s get started…
1. Kettlebell Slingshot

Our first beginners kettlebell exercise on the list is the kettlebell slingshot. The slingshot is a basic kettlebell exercise that involves passing the kettlebell around the body from one hand to the other.
The slingshot is a great starter exercise because it helps you to acclimatise to the kettlebell weight as well as working the shoulders, core, and grip.
Keep the head and hips nice and still as you pass the kettlebell around the body
Later on in your training you will use the kettlebell slingshot as an exercise to catch your breath between other exercises or as a warm up before your main workout.
Related: Why I love the kettlebell slingshot
Watch a video of the kettlebell slingshot below:
Practice: 10 repetitions one way and then change direction and 10 repetitions the other way. Work up to 20 reps in each direction.
2. Kettlebell Halo

The kettlebell halo is the kettlebell exercise for beginners you should know. The exercise involves taking the kettlebell around the head closely following the perimeter of the neck.
The kettlebell, during this exercise, should be kept nice and close to the neck and taken around the head in a nice rhythmical motion.
The kettlebell halo works deep into the shoulders and the whole of the upper body.
Again, like the slingshot exercise, the halo will be used later in your training both as a warm up exercise but also as an active recovery exercise in between other exercises.
Related: 7 kettlebell holding positions you need to know
Watch a video of the kettlebell halo below:
Practice: start with 5 in one direction and then change and 5 in the other direction. Work up to 10 alternating repetitions in each direction.
3. Kettlebell Good Morning

A slightly more tricky kettlebell exercise for beginners next. The kettlebell good morning is not too demanding but it does require good body mechanics.
With the kettlebell held behind you with two hands against the mid back the body hinges forwards at the hips keeping the lower back flat.
The kettlebell good morning teaches you to hinge at the hips without arching the lower back and at the same time mobilising the hamstrings and hips.
As you hinge forwards you take a nice breath OUT and then as you return to the upright position you breathe in again.
Like the slingshot and halo, the good morning will later be used as more of a warm up based exercise or as a filler exercise in between others while you rest.
Related: 4 Steps to master the kettlebell swing for beginners
Watch a video of the kettlebell good morning below:
Practice: start with 5 repetitions, practicing your breathing and keep your back flat. Work up to 10 smooth reps.
4. Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift

Probably the most important kettlebell exercise for beginners is the single arm deadlift.
For this kettlebell exercise the weight is picked up off the floor using the hip hinge movement pattern. The back is kept beautifully flat as the legs, and buttocks do all the heavy lifting.
The kettlebell single arm deadlift is a full body exercise that uses most muscles in the body but more importantly coaches the hip hinge movement used later for the kettlebell swing.
Keeping your weight on the back half of your feet and not wearing shoes with raised heels will help dramatically with the movement and muscle activation.
Related: 7 kettlebell deadlift variations
Watch a video of the kettlebell single arm deadlift below:
Practice: start with 5 repetitions on each side moving slowly and deliberately. Work up to 15 beautiful reps on each side.
5. Kettlebell Goblet Squats

Finally we move onto the all-important beginners kettlebell exercise, the goblet squat which involves squatting nice and deep while holding a kettlebell at chest height.
The squat is very important movement pattern for daily life and uses most muscles in the body, in particular your buttocks and legs.
It is important during the squat that you go down deep enough so that your thighs are parallel with the floor. If your squat is too shallow then you will not activate your buttocks and will over develop the thighs.
If you find deep squats demanding then you should practice without the kettlebell first.
A good squat without a kettlebell is worth a lot more than a badly performed squat holding one.
You can hold onto a pole, TRX, or resistance band attached in front of you to help strengthen the movement pattern before adding a kettlebell.
Just like the deadlift above, keeping your weight on the back half of your feet and keeping your chest up will help dramatically.
Related: 7 kettlebell squats you need to know
Watch a video of the kettlebell goblet squat below:
Practice: work on getting your squats nice and deep first before adding a kettlebell. Work up to 20 total reps holding a kettlebell.
4 Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners
Now we have listed the 5 basic kettlebell exercises for beginners lets put them together into a few 4 minute workouts.
There are 4 beginner workouts listed below each lasting only 4 minutes.
At first just follow along with each workout for the 4 minutes.
Once you have mastered the workout rest for 30 – 60 seconds and repeat it for a total of 3 times.
Once you can perform workout 1 for a total of 3 circuits then move on to workout 2 and so.
Do not progress onto the next workout until you can perform 3 circuits.
Woman should start with an 8kg (18lbs) or 12kg (25lbs) size kettlebell.
Men should start with a 12kg (25lbs) or 16kg (35lbs) size kettlebell.
Perform a workout 3 – 5 times per week.
Beginner Kettlebell Workout 1
- Slingshot – clockwise x 20 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – left x 15 reps
- Slingshot – anti-clockwise x 20 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – right x 15 reps
- Slingshot – clockwise x 20 reps
- Halo – alternating directions x 10 reps
- Slingshot – anti-clockwise x 20 reps
- Bodyweight Squats x 10 reps
Watch the follow along 4 minute easy kettlebell workout 1:
Beginner Kettlebell Workout 2
- Slingshot – clockwise x 20 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – Left x 15 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – Right x 15 reps
- Halo – clockwise x 10 reps
- Slingshot – anti-clockwise x 20 reps
- Halo – anti-clockwise x 10 reps
- Bodyweight Squats x 20 reps
Watch the follow along 4 minute simple kettlebell workout 2:
Beginner Kettlebell Workout 3
- Slingshot – clockwise x 20 reps
- Slingshot – anti-clockwise x 20 reps
- Halo – clockwise x 10 reps
- Halo – anti-clockwise x 10 reps
- Good Morning – 8 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – Left x 15 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – Right x 15 reps
- Bodyweight Squats x 10 reps
Watch the follow along 4 minute basic kettlebell workout 3:
Beginner Kettlebell Workout 4
- Slingshot – clockwise x 20 reps
- Goblet Squat – 10 reps
- Slingshot – anti-clockwise x 20 reps
- Goblet Squat – 10 reps
- Halo – clockwise x 10 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – left x 15 reps
- Halo – anti-clockwise x 10 reps
- Single Arm Deadlift – right x 15 reps
Watch the follow along 4 minute fun kettlebell workout 4:
Kettlebell training can be confusing and is very different from other types of resistance based training.
Making sure that you begin with the correct exercises to build a solid foundation for future exercises is very important.
Above I’ve highlighted 5 basic kettlebell exercises that every beginner should start with and then 4 kettlebell circuits that you can use to practice them.
Become masterful at these 5 kettlebell exercises for beginners and the 4 basic kettlebell workouts.
Not only are these workouts great building blocks for the future but they are also highly effective in and of themselves.
Enjoy your kettlebell training.
Starting out most men will use either a 12kg (25lbs) or 16kg (35lbs) and women will use either an 8kg (17lbs) or 12kg. Technique is very important so don’t overdo it.
Beginners can perform full body exercises that feel very natural and can activate 100’s of muscles per movement. Beginners should start by learning the simple hip hinge.
Beginners should start with 10 kettlebell swings using two hands and one kettlebell. Swing the 10 reps with excellent form, take a rest and repeat up to 10 times.
Mastered these 5 exercises? See the 5 Intermediate Kettlebell Exercises here
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