Home / 15 Bodyweight Leg Exercises for Strength, Muscle, Cardio and Mobility

15 Bodyweight Leg Exercises for Strength, Muscle, Cardio and Mobility

By Greg Brookes
15 bodyweight leg exercises

Bodyweight leg exercises are the perfect way to condition your legs without the use of any equipment. The legs possess a huge amount of muscle mass so body weight leg exercises will also challenge your cardio, strength and encourage overall fat loss.

Let’s dive in…

What are bodyweight leg exercises?

Bodyweight leg exercises are simply a way to improve the condition of your legs plus your cardio and mobility without the need for any equipment.

There are a variety of exercises to choose from depending on your goals. For example you can challenge your cardio, build muscle, improve your movement skills, develop better mobility or even work on brute strength.

Benefits of bodyweight leg exercises

There are so many benefits to performing leg exercises without any equipment and just your own bodyweight, here are just a few:

  • You can perform them anywhere, so great for travelling
  • No fancy equipment needed so totally free
  • Quick and simple to perform
  • Bodyweight exercises use less load so reduce the potential for injury
  • Develop better control, balance and strength of your own body
  • Using the correct exercises will transfer over into helpful daily strength
  • Increase your mobility and flexibility

With so many benefits everyone should consider using bodyweight training especially beginners.

Learn more: 5 bodyweight exercises every beginner should know

Do I need equipment?

You don’t need any equipment to perform bodyweight leg exercises. However, there are a few exceptions if you want to increase the difficulty of the exercises.

For example, you may want to use a box for certain exercises or a wall or pole to help stabilise yourself. More advanced bodyweight athletes may wear a weight vest to really intensify an exercise.

Best bodyweight exercises for legs | the quads

Fundamentally any type of squatting or lunging based movement will condition the quads as well as the hamstrings and glutes.

The quadricep muscles (named because there are 4 of them) cross over and attach to the patella or kneecap. Three of the muscles attach from the main thigh bone (femur) and one attaches from the hip bone.

Due to their origin and insertion points bending the knee is very important for quad activation, the deeper the bend the greater the demands on the quads.

If strengthening and developing your quads is important to you then you should ensure you achieve a full 90 degree bend at the knee joint.

Here are 3 bodyweight leg exercises you can use for strengthening your quads:

1. Bodyweight Y Squats

Bodyweight Y Squats Exercise
Bodyweight Y squats exercise for legs

Bodyweight Y squats are a fundamental exercise for strengthening the legs, hips, buttocks and back. The quadricep muscles in particular get heavily activated during this squatting movement.

Holding your arms up and squeezing your shoulder blades together also helps activate the muscles of the upper back.

You will also achieve great joint mobility benefits from this bodyweight exercise in your shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips and knees.

The perfect introductory exercise for beginners new to bodyweight training.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch the bodyweight Y squat video below:

2. Bodyweight Forward Lunge

Bodyweight Forward Lunge Exercise
Bodyweight forward lunge exercise

The bodyweight forward lunge exercise will condition both the muscles of the legs and buttocks while at the same time improving balance and hip mobility.

Lunges are especially important because they replicate many sporting movements as well as daily activities including climbing stairs. So developing strength through the lunge pattern will also have useful carry over into daily life.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds on each side.

Watch the bodyweight forward lunge video below:

3. Bodyweight Pistol Squats

Bodyweight Pistol Squat to a Bench
Bodyweight pistol squat exercise for quads

For brute strength and quad development the bodyweight pistol squat is highly effective.

You will need good hip mobility and hip stability in order to perform this challenging exercise.

I recommend everyone start by performing the movement onto a chair or box as illustrated above. Progressively work on getting deeper and deeper into the movement until eventually you can sit right down to the bottom position.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds on each side.

Learn more: See all the pistol squat progressions here

Bodyweight exercises for legs | the hamstrings

The hamstrings consist of 3 muscles that run along the back of the legs from the knee to the hips.

The hamstring muscles pull the lower leg backwards as well as extending the hips forwards together with the Glutes.

You can think of the hamstrings as the body’s natural breaking system used to slow you down when running or walking down hills.

The hamstrings should work in balance with the quadriceps on the front of the legs but often due to a lack of training they get overpowered and injured.

Strengthening the hamstrings is important in order to prevent injuries and improve overall performance of the legs and hips.

Here’s an important bodyweight leg exercise you can use for conditioning your hamstrings:

4. Bodyweight Single Leg Deadlift

Bodyweight Single Leg Deadlift Exercise
Bodyweight single leg deadlift exercise

Probably the best hamstring conditioning exercise for sports is the bodyweight single leg deadlift exercise.

You will challenge your balance, mobility, core strength, and coordination, all in one movement with this exercise.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds on each side.

Learn more: 9 Hip hinge exercises for strong hamstrings

Watch the Bodyweight Single Leg Deadlift video below:

Bodyweight exercises for legs | glutes and hips

The glutes or buttocks are the real powerhouses of the body and are often under utilised.

Just spending some time conditioning the glutes with these bodyweight exercises will help to alleviate lower back pain and take some of the strain away from the hamstrings.

It is impossible to develop very strong legs without also conditioning and improving the glutes. The hips should serve as a stable base for all leg exercises. The previously mentioned single leg deadlift and lunges will develop good hip stability but challenging the hips laterally is also important.

Here are 2 bodyweight exercises for strengthening the hips and glutes:

5. Bodyweight Hip Bridge

Bodyweight Bridge
Bodyweight hip bridge exercise

The bridge is the perfect introduction to strengthening the buttocks or glutes without the need for any equipment.

You can also use the bodyweight bridge exercise as a warm up and for muscle activation before progressing on to more demanding glute exercises.

Be careful not to overextend the hips and not push from the lower back.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the bodyweight bridge exercise below:

6. Bodyweight Side Lunge

Bodyweight Side Lunge with a Reach
Bodyweight side lunge exercise

The bodyweight side lunge will develop strong hip stability as well as joint mobility.

As well as working deep into the hips the side lunge also conditions the quads, hamstrings, and buttocks.

Don’t lunge too deep at first, work up to deeper and deeper lunges as you warm up to the exercise.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds on each side.

Watch a video of the side lunge exercise below:

[thrive_2step id=’12292′]51 Bodyweight Exercises Download PDF[/thrive_2step]

Bodyweight exercises for legs | cardio leg exercises

As well as strengthening the lower body, bodyweight leg exercises can also provide great cardio benefits.

The legs contain a large proportion of the body’s total muscle mass and so require a lot of energy to function. When the correct exercises are used, bodyweight training can be very cardiovascular.

Here are 5 bodyweight cardio leg exercises to try:

7. High knees

Bodyweight High Knees Exercise
High knees cardio exercise

Imagine sprinting on the spot and you get some idea of how to perform this bodyweight cardio exercise.

Pump the arms as quickly as possible and raise the knees as high as you can.

Your hips, legs and core muscles will all be activated during this rapid cardio exercise.

Be careful due to the impact of the feet onto the floor. Your calves and achilles tendons will get a serious workout so I recommend a good warm up first.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

8. Squats Thrusts

Bodyweight Squat Thrusts Exercise
Bodyweight squat thrust exercise for cardio

Bodyweight squat thrusts are a demanding exercise that will quickly fatigue the legs, hips and core muscles.

Due to the large amount of muscle activation during each movement this bodyweight exercise gets highly cardiovascular very quickly.

It is important to keep the core muscles braced so as to prevent the hips from dropping too low and arching the lower back.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the squat thrust exercise below:

9. Bodyweight Jump Squats

Bodyweight Jump Squats Exercise
Bodyweight jump squat exercise for more advanced athletes

The bodyweight jump squat is a power based exercise that will heavily fatigue the quads.

This is certainly an advanced exercise and you should be able to perform all the other squat and lunge variations above before even attempting this exercise.

It only takes 10 – 20 reps before you really start to feel the cardio benefits of this movement.

How many? Start with 15 seconds, then progress to 30 seconds.

Watch a video of the jump squat exercise below:

10. Burpees

Bodyweight Burpees Exercise
Burpee exercise

The burpee is the classic, full body, cardio based, bodyweight exercise.

No only does the burpee condition the legs, hips, buttocks and core muscles but it is extremely cardiovascular too.

Just as with the squat thrust above you need to be careful with the hips dropping too low when you jump your feet backwards.

Keep your core muscles pinched nice and tight to prevent an overuse of the lower back muscles.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the burpee exercise below:

11. Fast Mountain Climbers

Bodyweight Fast Mountain Climbers Exercise
Fast mountain climbers exercise for cardio

Fast mountain climbers are a safer bodyweight cardio exercise for beginners because the lower back is not as vulnerable as with the squat thrust or burpee.

The fast mountain climber exercise is demanding on the legs, hips and core muscles as well as the shoulders and arms.

For an even safer variation try sliding the feet rather than jumping by wearing socks on a polished floor.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the fast mountain climber exercise below:

12. Bodyweight Reverse Lunge and Hop

Bodyweight Reverse Lunge and Hop Exercise
Bodyweight reverse lunge and hop exercise

The reverse lunge and hop bodyweight exercise is very challenging on the quads and buttocks as well as your cardio.

Be sure to have mastered all the squat and lunge variations above before attempting this exercise.

You can develop some real power in the legs using this bodyweight exercise.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds on each side.

Bodyweight exercises for legs | calf exercises

The easiest way to condition the calf muscles using bodyweight exercises is by standing up and down on tip toes.

You can stand up on tip toes and then hold it there for 5 – 10 secs before dropping back down again. You can also walk around on your tip toes for the 5 – 10 seconds.

You can intensify this bodyweight calf exercise by standing on only one leg and then raising up and down.

An alternative bodyweight calf exercise is to finish the standing part of a bodyweight squat on your tip toes, using this method combines two exercises and saves you time.

Best bodyweight exercises for legs | increasing mobility

Hip and leg joint mobility will deteriorate unless you challenge them on a regular basis.

As people age their daily movement spirals downwards reducing their joint range.

The human body is designed to move and the more fuller and pronounced a movement the better.

Good movement opens up the joints and feeds them with nutrients helping them to heal and function more effectively.

Keeping your joints mobile is one of the most important activities you can perform and bodyweight exercises are perfect for it.

Here are 3 bodyweight leg and hip mobility exercises:

13. Bodyweight Yoga Squat

Bodyweight Yoga Squat Exercise
Bodyweight yoga squat exercise for mobility

The yoga squat is possibly my favourite of all the bodyweight exercises.

Not only will this bodyweight exercise open up the joints of the hips, knees, back and shoulders but it will also strengthen the legs, buttocks, hips and back too.

Take note of your breathing during this exercise, out on the way down, and in on the way up.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the yoga squat below:

14. Bodyweight Cossacks

Bodyweight Cossacks Exercise
Bodyweight cossack exercise for mobility

The bodyweight cossack exercise will open up your hips while at the same time strengthening your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Careful not to descend too deep into this exercise too quickly, warm up slowly.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 and finally 60 seconds.

Watch a video of the cossack exercise below:

15. Bodyweight Hip openers

Hip Openers Exercise
Hip openers exercise

The hip openers exercise is very similar to a deep lunge but with some added upper back mobility rotation.

Use your breathing to help lower you down deeper into this movement, breathing out on the way down and in as you extend upwards.

How many? Start with 30 seconds, then progress to 45 seconds on each side.

Watch a video of the hip openers exercise below:

How to choose the best bodyweight leg exercise?

There are 15 bodyweight leg exercises listed above but how do you know which ones to use?

Begin by thinking about your goals. Think about your current fitness and strength level.

A simple way to begin is by choosing one exercise from each category and then putting them together into a circuit like this:

  • Hip Openers (Mobility)
  • Y Squats (Quads)
  • Single Leg Deadlift (Hamstrings)
  • Bridge (Glutes/Hips)
  • Fast Mountain Climbers (Cardio)

As a general guide, you can begin with 30 seconds of each exercise. For any of the single leg exercises perform 30 seconds on each side.

Perform 1 – 3 circuits resting in between circuits, 30 – 90 seconds.

You can perform 3 – 6 workouts per week, taking a days rest when you need it.

How many bodyweight exercises should you do in a leg workout?

Selecting one leg exercise for each of the categories above is a good starting point, so a total of 5 exercises.

If you have very strong quads, perhaps from cycling, then you may want to perform 2 hamstring exercises to maintain better muscle balance. The same principle could be applied to runners.

For the more advanced bodyweight athlete you may want to add 2 exercises from each category, one after the other.

How to increase leg size with bodyweight exercises

If your goals are focused more on adding size to your legs then you will need to use leg exercises that are more demanding for you and within a rep range of 8 – 15 reps.

You can also use some pre-exhaustion techniques by including 2 exercises from the same category. For example, Pistol squats followed by Lunges.

At this stage you may also want to consider wearing a weight vest to add even more resistance.

Conclusion to bodyweight leg exercises:

Above I have listed 15 bodyweight leg exercises that you can use to improve your quads, hamstrings, hips, buttocks, calf muscles, cardio and mobility.

Bodyweight training uses no equipment and is safe, quick, effective and can be used anywhere. Anybody can use bodyweight training to improve the condition of their legs and more importantly the rest of their body too.

Have you tried any of these bodyweight leg exercises? Let me know more below:

[thrive_2step id=’12292′]51 Bodyweight Exercises Download PDF[/thrive_2step]

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