Home / Breath Control Kettlebell Swings Workout

Breath Control Kettlebell Swings Workout

By Greg Brookes

improve your breath control

When I was a young boy I suffered very badly with Asthma.

I used to spend my early childhood taking medication, using inhalers, and having regular visits from my local doctor.

At around the age of 7 I made one of the most infleuncial decisions of my life…

I started Martial Arts training.

At first it began with Judo, then Karate, Kung Fu, Jiu Jitsu and finally Thai Boxing where I ended up at 16 years old teaching classes.

My martial arts training taught me how to move, how to stretch but more important than anything else HOW TO BREATHE.

The most important thing I learnt was that YOU CAN control your breathing. Whenever we were tired and breathing very hard during my martial arts classes we were taught to slow our breathing down.

In through the nose and out through the mouth. Take controlled deep breaths from the pit of the stomach.

Over the years with my martial arts training (sometimes 6 times per week) my breathing improved dramatically. I could recover quicker and my Asthma disappeared.

I urge you to think about your breathing. It is directly connected with your hormonal system (stress), cardiovascular system, and muscular system.

Breath Control Kettlebell Swing Workout

One way you can improve your breathing control is with Breath Control Swings, here’s a workout I did recently….

  1. Two Handed Kettlebell Swing x 20
  2. 5 Deep and Slow Breaths
  3. Repeat 5-10 rounds

Here’s a Video of the Kettlebell Swing:


As you get further into the above workout you will have to really focus on slowing your breathing down.

You may need to take 6, 7 or more breaths but focus and keep them to a minimum.

Don’t let your breathing take care of itself when you exercise. Think about it. Control it.

I’d love to hear how you get on with the above workout.

Take care


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