Run through this circuit without resting between exercises. 1 minute per exercise. Some exercises are 1 minute per side *.
Once finished, rest for 1-2 minutes and then repeat for a total of 3 circuits.
I thought it would be helpful to share with you my 25 best kettlebell workout routines.
When I teach kettlebell classes, I do not use just random kettlebell circuits; each workout is part of a kettlebell workout plan, usually lasting 12 weeks. Kettlebell workouts are effective for strengthening the entire body.
The kettlebell workout routines listed below are fun supplements to the kettlebell workout programs that I plan out in advance and are great for kettlebell workouts at home.
So please do not take the below kettle bell workouts as a complete program, just a guide to the different types of workout formats available
You can also use these full-body workouts as a kettlebell WOD (workout of the day), but you will need to be careful not to overdo things as many of them are rather intense and may require at least a day’s rest.
You may also find it helpful to see my 52 kettlebell exercises listed here.
Enjoy the workouts…
Kettlebell exercises are a fantastic way to enhance your strength, flexibility, and overall fitness. Incorporating these essential kettlebell exercises into your routine will help you target multiple muscle groups and improve your functional movement.
Start with 20 Swings, then perform 10 Push Ups. Repeat another 20 Swings and then do 9 Push Ups. Continue doing 20 Swings but reducing the Push Ups by 1 rep each time until you reach 0.
Under 10 minutes is Excellent! Time to increase the load 🙂
A countdown kettlebell circuit that begins with 20 reps. Perform the kettlebell circuit with 20 reps for each exercise. Then repeat the kettlebell circuit for 15 reps, then with 10 reps, and finally 5.
This circuit targets every major muscle group in the body, ensuring a comprehensive workout.
All single sided exercises are 20, 15, 10, 5 reps per side.
Set your interval timer to 30 seconds. This is a ladder, so begin with the first exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds, then the first and second exercises, rest, first, second and third, and rest. Carry on this way until you complete all 8 exercises without resting.
Each exercise and rest should only last for 30 seconds.
Set your timer for 3 minute intervals with 1 minute of rest. Run through each exercise for 3 minutes changing hands as many times as necessary. Only rest for 1 minute between exercises.
Record your total reps for each exercise and try to beat it next time.
This workout is a progressive ladder of 5 reps per side. Start by performing the first 3 exercises and then the Windmill. Rest 1 minute, then perform the first 4 exercises and the Windmill. Rest and 5 exercises. Rest and 6 exercises.
Always finish with the Windmill.
Work through this super circuit one exercise after the next only resting when necessary. For the first block perform 10 reps per side, the second block its either 20 reps per side or just 20 reps.
Try to work up to 3 total circuits.
Work through this super circuit one exercise after the next only resting when necessary. For the first block perform 10 reps per side, the second block its either 20 reps per side or just 20 reps. During the bodyweight exercises in the 2nd part try to work on your speed while still using good form.
Try to work up to 3 total circuits.
Set your timer for 1 minute intervals. Swing for 1 minute on each side and then perform 10 Push Ups during the third minute, rest the remainder. Start the Double lunge at the beginning of the 4th minute.
Continue like this, always performing 10 Push Ups after every 2 minutes of exercise.
Set your timer for 1 minute intervals. Complete the circuit taking 1 minutes rest after each 2 minutes of exercise.
Perform each exercise for 1 minute on each side.
Set your timer for 1-minute intervals followed by a 15-second rest. Complete each exercise only resting for the 15 seconds following each exercise.
For single-sided exercises, perform 1 minute per side *.
Set your timer for 1 minute intervals. Swing for 1 minute on each side and then perform 10 Burpees during the third minute, rest the remainder. Start the reverse lunge at the beginning of the 4th minute.
Continue like this, always performing 10 Burpees after every 2 minutes of exercise.
My 300 Kettlebell Challenge is one of my most popular kettlebell workouts and can be performed anywhere with just one kettlebell.
The workout is a terrific fat burner as well as full body strengthener. You will learn the most important and effective kettlebell exercises and create a superb foundation for more advanced kettlebell training.
You will be performing a total of 300 repetitions, 150 reps on each side.
Here are the kettlebell exercises:
You can change sides as many times as you wish, so for the swings you may keep swapping hands every 10 reps.
I suggest that the first time you attempt this challenge you take your time and swap sides frequently.
As you become stronger and more comfortable with the workout layout you can attempt to perform the total amount of reps on each side before changing eg. 25 snatches left then 25 snatches right.
It’s a good idea to always start with your weakest side and then match the same amount of reps on the other side.
Time yourself and see if you can improve on your time each workout. Your goal is under 15 minutes, then it’s time to increase the weight.
Run through this circuit performing 25 reps per side and changing hands as many times as you need to. For the Swing its 50 reps per side. Only move onto the next exercise when you have completed the required amount.
Total Reps: 300.
Under 15 minutes is excellent.
Perform the first block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 5 reps per side. Then rest for 1 minute and complete the second block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 20 reps each except the Burpees which is 10 reps.
Total: 15 Minute Workout
Perform the first block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 5 reps per side. Then rest for 1 minute and complete the second block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 20 reps each.
Total: 15 Minute Workout
Perform the first block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 5 reps per side. Then rest for 1 minute and complete the second block as a circuit non stop for 7 minutes, 20 reps each except the Burpees which is 10 reps.
Total: 15 Minute Workout
Start by performing 10 reps of the first exercise on each side, then perform a walking forward lunge with the kettlebell for 10 steps, then repeat the first exercise again and then the walking lunges again. Next, perform the second exercise for 10 reps per side, and again, use the walking lunges. Continue like this for all the exercises.
You should complete each exercise twice for 10 reps per side and a total of 8 sets of walking lunges.
Set your timer for 30-second intervals. Swing for 30 seconds on each side and then move onto the Squat & Press for 30 seconds on each side without a rest. Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat both exercises again, rest 30 seconds and repeat for a 3rd time.
Rest 1 minute and repeat as with the 2 previous exercises for the next pair.
This workout requires 2 kettlebells and is based on a simple superset method. Perform the first exercise for 1 minute, followed by the second exercise for 1 minute, without rest. Then rest for 1 minute and repeat for a total of 3 super sets.
Continue the format for the other 2 pairs of exercises.
Run through the circuit, working for 50 seconds, and rest for 10 seconds. Some exercises will be performed on each side *.
Just keep going!
Take a standard pack of playing cards and remove cards 2,3,4. Turn over each playing card and follow the exercise as per the description above. All picture cards are 10 reps per side.
All numbered cards have the same amount of reps as the number on the card.
Perform each block of 4 exercises, 30 seconds each exercise. Some exercises are for 1 minute *.
Rest only after each block for 1 minute.
Run through this circuit without resting between exercises. 1 minute per exercise. Some exercises are 1 minute per side *.
Once finished, rest for 1-2 minutes and then repeat for a total of 3 circuits.
Here is some classic Tabata training. Alternate between each pair working for 20 seconds and resting for 10 seconds. So, Swing 20 seconds, rest 10, Press Ups 20 seconds, rest 10, Swing 20 seconds rest 10, etc.
Run through 8 rounds for each pair.
Start by performing 10 reps of each exercise (most exercises are 10 per side), rest after every 3 exercises for 1 minute.
Once you have finished all 9 exercises, then run through them all again without a rest in between for only 5 reps per side.
To maximize the benefits of your kettlebell workouts, it’s essential to follow some key tips and incorporate variations. Here are some strategies to help you get the most out of your kettlebell training:
By following these tips and incorporating variations, you can ensure your kettlebell workouts are effective, safe, and enjoyable.
Above I have listed my 25 best kettlebell workout routines or possible kettlebell WOD that I have used within my kettlebell classes. All of these would be great as a home kettlebell workout using only one kettlebell and your bodyweight.
As mentioned earlier, these do not constitute a kettlebell workout plan but rather give you routines that may be used within a 12-week kettlebell workout program.
If you are new to kettlebell training, then you need to learn the basic movements before progressing on to most of these kettlebell workout routines.
Here are the best 5 beginner kettlebell exercises and 4 beginner kettlebell workouts.
Please ensure you use these free kettlebell workouts as a guide only and as part of a progressive workout program.
Take your time and master the exercises in each workout first.
All the best, and enjoy the workouts.