Home / Is Life Closing Your Body Down? How to Open Up Again

Is Life Closing Your Body Down? How to Open Up Again

By Greg Brookes

I hope you are well and had a happy and healthy weekend.

Is your body getting closed down?

If so I’m going to show you how to open it up again like a beautiful flower.

Let me explain…

When you are born you are all closed up.

Your spine is bent forwards in flexion, your limbs all point inwards with internal rotation and pronation.

As you start to grow you start to open up

Your muscles develop enabling you to first raise your head, then crawl, squat, stand and walk.

It is your extensor muscles that help you to open up.

Your buttocks help you to stabilse and turn your lower limbs outwards.

Your back strengthens to support your spine, pull your shoulders back and create that beautiful spinal S-Curve.

So far so good, you are open, playing and moving the way you should.

Then something bad happens…

You start to sit down too much. Which pulls you forward into flexion and closes you up.

You stop playing and keeping your buttocks strong. Which causes your leg stabilisers to weaken and knees to fall inwards.

Stress causes your breathing to become more shallow. Which prevents deep inhalation which helps straighten the spine and pull you upright again.

In an effort to lose weight you start to exercise

But you listen to outdated media which is based on bodybuilding from the 80’s.

You perform lots of crunches. Which makes things worse weakening your back and pulling you further forwards and closing you down.

The guys do lots of bench and chest press. Which pulls the shoulders forwards and further closes you down.

You start running but your hips are too weak to keep your legs in alignment so your knees and ankles fall inwards. In a matter of weeks you have an ankle or knee injury.

It’s time to STOP…

Time to start opening back up again.

Time to work on the muscles that you developed as a child.

Time to develop your buttocks to strengthen and stabilise your legs again.

Time to work into the back of the body. To pull your shoulders back and straighten out your spine.

Open up again and the possibilities are endless. You can even start to run and play again.

Here’s what to do…

There is one exercise that will open you up better than any other.

The Kettlebell Swing will strengthen the back of your body from heel to neck.

Here’s video of the Kettlebell Swing:



It’s the perfect opener

There is a reason why I use the kettlebell swing in all my workout programs. I want to open you up. Stand you up. Have you looking up, not down. Looking proud again.

It’s never too late to undo the stresses and strains of life.

Focus on the things that matter and start opening yourself up again today.

Take care and happy swinging,


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