Home / Overhead Pressing too difficult? Use the Push Press instead

Overhead Pressing too difficult? Use the Push Press instead

By Greg Brookes

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  1. Francesca Avatar

    Greg always has the best tutorial videos out of all other online KB programs – this is some great coaching I will happily use for my clients and classes! Thank you Greg, always look forward to the weekly email – please don’t ever stop them!

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Great, thanks Francesca, I’m always happy to help.

  2. Valerie Vickers Avatar
    Valerie Vickers

    Thanks Greg
    I found this to be extremely helpful I’ve always struggled with the overhead press
    So thankyou ..

  3. richard d temple Avatar

    you are correct in saying the push press is cheating, i have seen many people in the gym doing this move and most of them are cheating in order to do a greater weight, this can lead to very poor form and injury, better to have good quality than quantity. as i got older i have replaced some exercises from weights to kettlebells. if clients want to get stronger i suggest they try what is called the z-press, ( sitting on the floor with legs extended out in front.) the z-press allows for no shortcuts to be made, since the seated position eliminates the potential for a “push off’or leg drive. that means your hip mobility has to be on point to create a neutral spine position while sitting tall. have clients start with kettlebell light enough to get past the sticking point, and perhaps start with two so that they get the proper feel in order not to shift there hips when doing alternating presses. beginners may want to sit on a step platform to start; the hips will be more open and this will make it easier to keep a neutral spine. don’t bring weights down on last rep and land them on thighs. again don’t try to lift what you can’t do.

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Thanks and great point Richard, yes if I’m going to eliminate the use of the hips then I use the half kneeling press because it doesn’t rely on good hamstring flexibility which is something that most suffer with when sitting on the floor with legs out. The half kneeling press also works hard into the sling system from shoulder to opposite knee, great to connect shoulders to hips and also identify asymmetries. I also recommend that people don’t press overhead what they can’t hold overhead for at least 30 seconds.

    2. Karina Avatar

      If you’re using competition kettlebells Richard, changing for a lighter weight won’t work as they start from 8kgs so Greg’s advise woks really well in this situation.to get the strength up using eccentric load.

  4. Debbie Avatar

    Thank you Greg! Like others I appreciate your insight and expertise!

  5. Lisa Avatar

    Thank you Gregg, this is so helpful, and much appreciated!

  6. Joss Burgess Avatar
    Joss Burgess

    That doesn’t look like oxford!!
    Thanks Greg.

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Nope, this is the north of Portugal Joss. A beautiful place and highly recommended ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Kristina Avatar

    Thanks Greg!!!! I love working out with KB and after watching your videos l always get motivation to WORKOUT w KBs. ?

  8. Chris B. Avatar
    Chris B.

    Greg, I’ve really enjoyed you workouts. Your tips are also extremely helpful for this 62 Y.O. kettlebell novice. Please, keep them coming.

  9. Cornelius Greene Avatar
    Cornelius Greene

    As always great info, thanks.

  10. Sam Avatar

    Great thanks

  11. David Palizban Avatar
    David Palizban

    Great Greg,
    Thank you!

  12. Pat Stiff Avatar
    Pat Stiff

    Thanks Greg, I find this video very useful and helpful as I struggle to get the weight up easily. Will try it later today. Pat

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Sounds good Pat, I think it will really help you.

  13. Phil Avatar

    Is that a 24 kg one in the video Greg? If I leave the kettlebells for a while before going back to them, I end up doing that. Good tip about being in control on the way down, though. I must make sure I do that more consistently.

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Yes Phil control on the way down is very important, you should squeeze your lats and core tight. You will actually get more strength benefits from slowly lowering the kettlebell rather than just pressing the kettlebell, especially useful if you are looking to gain some strength with a heavier kettlebell.

  14. Glynis W Avatar
    Glynis W

    Great tip. Very helpful. Thank you.

  15. Mila Avatar

    Thank you.