Home / How to Prevent Exercise Injury

How to Prevent Exercise Injury

By Greg Brookes

Happy Wednesday to you.

If you have exercised for any period of time then you know that injury can be a real problem.

Injury will stop you from exercising, is very demotivating and can be very painful.

If you want to avoid getting injured then here’s what to do…

1. Warm Up The Smart Way

Before each workout you need to warm up your body.

But don’t do what most people do and that’s a few minutes on a treadmill, bike or stepper, you are smarter than that!

Your warm up needs to copy the movements you will be performing in your workout. If you are not running in your workout then warming up on a treadmill doesn’t make sense!

Instead, if you are going to be squatting then do a few bodyweight squats, if you are doing push ups during your workout then start with some chest mobility.

Here’s a quick warm up example:

a) Full Body Mobility from head to toe
b) Walking Knee Hugs – 10
c) Bodyweight Squats or Hip Bridges – 10
d) Incline Push Ups or Shoulder Taps – 10
e) Reverse Lunges – 10
f) Band Pull Aparts – 10

You may perform (b – f) up to 3 times if necessary.

Watch my Full Body Mobility Routine below:

2. Don’t Lift Too Heavy Too Soon

Lifting heavy weights has huge benefits but not without preparing your body first.

If I’m going to be practicing a few Turkish Get Ups with a 32kg I won’t jump straight in with the 32kg.

I’ll perform a few reps with a 16kg, then a few with a 24kg and finally move onto the 32kg.

No matter what exercise or weight a few warm up sets is always important to warm up the movement pattern.

3. Don’t Progress Too Quickly

If you start with exercises that are way beyond your capabilities then you will certainly get injured.

For example, you should not perform a Kettlebell Snatch until you can perform the Deadlift, Swing, and Clean.

You should not add weight to a Lunge or Squat until you can perform it well without a weight.

You should not perform advanced core exercises until you can perform the basic spine stabilising exercises like shoulder taps.


Exercise is fun and very rewarding but you must approach it logically.

Warm up the correct way before you start each workout, don’t lift too heavy too soon and progress carefully as you develop from one exercise to the next.

OK my friend, that’s all for today.

Take care and safe exercising,


P.S. If you want a safe and effective way to progress your workouts see my 12 week programs here ๐Ÿ™‚

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