Home / How to Train with an Injury

How to Train with an Injury

By Greg Brookes

how to train with an injury
Happy Monday to you.

I hope you had a great weekend?

I was best man at my friends wedding this weekend and Lucy and I had a superb time camping and enjoying the festivities!

Have you ever injured yourself exercising?

Most of us have pushed ourselves a little too hard or performed a movement that just didn’t agree with us.

If you have been unlucky enough to sustain an injury then here’s what to do.

1. Rest and Ice

The sooner you can ice following an injury the better. Ice for 15-20 minutes through a thin cloth. Ice only once every hour.

2. Start Moving

For most injuries you will only need 1-2 days of rest before you can start moving again.

Exercise is highly effective for fixing injuries, aches and pains.

Movement pushes fresh blood and oxygen to the affected areas and helps speed up recovery.

Begin with basic mobility drills focusing on your injured area.

Watch my complete follow along mobility routine below:

Once mobility of the area feels OK, move onto light targeted exercise for that area.

For example:

When I have clients with knee injuries we will work on squats while holding onto a wall. Over time they will release the wall and I will start adding weight.

3. Training around an injury

Just because you have an injury doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising.

When I injured my left shoulder I spent a lot of time practicing my pistol squats while working on shoulder mobility and light resistance band exercises.

If you have a knee injury you could really focus on your push ups, pull ups or core exercises.

I hope that you never have to deal with an injury but if you do then hopefully this will be of some assistance.

Take care,


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