Home / 9 Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts That Target Over 600 Muscles

9 Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts That Target Over 600 Muscles

By Greg Brookes
9 Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

I thought it would be helpful to list out some progressive kettlebell and dumbbell workouts.

Kettlebells and dumbbells serve the same purpose of adding load to exercise movement patterns.

However kettlebells have the advantage of adding a more dynamic option to many exercises.

Many kettlebell exercises can be performed with dumbbells and vice versa so I’ve made sure to combine the exercises that offer the most benefits from each of the different weights.

How to Use these Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

The body works by using a series of movement patterns in order to navigate daily life.

If you progress each individual movement pattern it ensures that you do not get ahead of yourself and allows time for the body and mind to adapt.

Each workout will be using hundreds of muscles at a time meaning you will not only burn a lot of calories but also challenge your cardio too.

If you have never used these full body workouts before then I recommend that you take your time and progress slowly.

Start at the beginning and only progress onto the next workout when you can comfortably complete all the repetitions.

What Size Kettlebell and Dumbbells to Use

Experience of weight training and exposure to these types of exercises and movement patterns will dictate what size weight to choose.

For the kettlebells Men will start with either a 12kg, 16kg or 24kg and Women an 8kg, 12kg or 16kg depending on their kettlebell training experience.

Selecting the correct dumbbell weights is often a feeling out process.

Many of the dumbbell exercises use 2 dumbbells at a time so bare this in mind when selecting the correct weights.

As a rough guide for selecting dumbbells you should be able to complete all of the repetitions of the exercises but feel that completing another 2-3 more would be a struggle.

As with all weight training start out conservatively selecting weights that are slightly lighter than you are used to until you get used to the movements.

Learn more: Complete guide to buying kettlebells

Kettlebell Swing with a Dumbbell

I get asked frequently “Can you do kettlebell swings with a dumbbell?“. The dumbbell kettlebell swing is an exercise that is definitely possible but is not as easy to master as the regular kettlebell swing.

Ultimately, swinging a dumbbell uses exactly the same movement pattern and technique as the regular kettlebell swing except the centre of gravity of the weight is different.

With a kettlebell swing the weight hangs underneath the weight enabling a better “feel” during the swing whereas with a dumbbell the weight either sits either side of the hand or is balanced top and bottom when held vertically.

However, with all this being said those with good technique can swing just about any type of weight between their legs providing they perform the movement with good technique and do not allow the shoulders to muscle up the weight.

Beginner Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

These first 3 kettlebell and dumbbell workouts introduce you to the fundamental movement pattern of the deadlift.

It is very important that you master the basic deadlift movement pattern before processing on to more advanced exercises as it conditions the legs, buttocks, hips, core and back muscles.

Learn more: Master the kettlebell deadlift movement pattern

Workout 1

  1. Dumbbell Step Ups x 20 reps alternating sides
  2. Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Left x 12 reps
  3. Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Right x 12 reps
  4. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

The format of this first workout is simple, perform the step ups first and then the single arm deadlifts taking as little rest as possible in between exercises.

At the end of the circuit rest for 60 seconds before repeating.

Dumbbell Step Ups Exercise

Dumbbell Step Ups Exercise
Dumbbell Step Ups Exercise

The dumbbell step ups exercise is a very underestimated movement.

We use step ups when climbing stairs and generally negotiating our way around in daily life.

The step up works hard into the buttocks as well and the legs.

Don’t cheat the exercise by pushing up from your rear leg, instead concentrate on pulling yourself up with the front leg.

The height of the step is important to get full buttock muscle activation.

I recommend a step height that elevates the front leg to a 90 degree angle or parallel with the floor.

Related: 5 alternatives to lunges

Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Exercise

Single Arm Deadlift
Single Arm Deadlift

The single arm deadlift works into most muscles of the body but in particular the buttocks, hamstrings and back.

The deadlift movement pattern is very important for so many other exercises (swing, clean, high pulls, snatch) and must be performed correctly with a nice flat back.

Load the heels during this exercise and drive with the hips.

Learn more: 7 kettlebell deadlift variations

Workout 2

  1. Dumbbell Jefferson Squat x 12 reps
  2. Kettlebell Halo x 5 reps each direction
  3. Dumbbell Step Ups Left Leg x 12 reps
  4. Dumbbell Step Ups Right Leg x 12 reps
  5. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

As with the previous workout the exercises are performed in a circuit format.

Perform each exercise one after the other only taking as little rest as possible in between exercises.

Rest at the end of the circuit and repeat.

Dumbbell Jefferson Squat Exercise

Jefferson Squat Exercise
Jefferson Squat Exercise

The Jefferson squat is similar to the single arm deadlift except you use both hands for the movement.

Again drive from the heels keeping the chest up and back flat.

As you are using two hands for this movement and hundreds of muscles in your body you will need to increase the dumbbell weight.

Remember to keep the arms straight throughout the movement and drive with the hips and legs.

Kettlebell Halo Exercise

Kettlebell Halo
Kettlebell Halo

The kettlebell halo will condition as well as mobilise the upper back and shoulders.

Keep the kettlebell nice and close to the body throughout the movement.

You can choose from two holding positions for the halo, by the handle upside down or holding the kettlebell by the ball.

Workout 3

  1. Dumbbell Lateral Step Ups Left x 12 reps
  2. Dumbbell Lateral Step Ups Right x 12 reps
  3. Kettlebell Slingshot x 10 reps in each direction
  4. Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Left x 12 reps
  5. Kettlebell Halo x 5 reps in each direction
  6. Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Right x 12 reps
  7. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

Workout 3 adds in a some sideways or lateral movement to target the buttocks in a different way.

Perform the workout as a circuit progressing from one exercise to the next with the minimum amount of rest in between exercises.

Dumbbell Lateral Step Ups Exercise

Dumbbell Lateral Step Ups
Dumbbell Lateral Step Ups

Lateral step ups work into the sides of the buttocks as well as the legs and core muscles.

Be sure to keep the step your stepping up onto nice and stable and place the foot down carefully.

Try to pull yourself up onto the step from the lead leg rather than pushing yourself up from the leg on the ground.

Perform all your repetitions on one side before repeating on the other side.

Kettlebell Slingshots Exercise

Kettlebell Slingshot
Kettlebell Slingshot

The kettlebell slingshot is an excellent exercise to work the arms, shoulders and core muscles.

Ensure that you keep your arms straight and hips nice and still throughout the whole exercise.

Keep your chest up and focus on nice smooth transitions from one hand to the other.

Intermediate Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

Having completed the 3 beginners kettlebell and dumbbell workouts you should now have a solid workout foundation to build upon.

Next we start adding in some more dynamic exercises that will elevate your heart rate even higher.

Workout 4

  1. Two Handed Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing x 15 reps
  2. Kettlebell Slingshot x 10 reps each direction
  3. Dumbbell Static Lunge Left Leg x 10 reps
  4. Dumbbell Static Lunge Right Leg x 10 reps
  5. Kettlebell Halo x 5 reps each direction
  6. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

Have your dumbbells ready for this workout as you progress from one exercise to the next.

The kettlebell swings (or dumbbell swings) and dumbbell static lunges will really elevate your heart rate so take your time.

Two Handed Kettlebell Swing Exercise

Two Handed Kettlebell Swing
Two Handed Kettlebell Swing

The ultimate full body fat burning exercise that works most muscles in the body.

The kettlebell swing is based off the deadlift movement pattern, the same as the single arm deadlift.

You can perform the two handed dumbbell swing instead by holding onto the sides of one of the plates so the dumbbell is vertical.

Make sure to use your hips to generate the kettlebell swing rather than your arms.

Learn more: 4 steps to master the kettlebell swing for beginners

Dumbbell Static Lunge Exercise

Dumbbell Static Lunge
Dumbbell Static Lunge

Take a good stride forwards and plant your feet.

Now don’t move your feet for the whole duration of the exercise.

Work hard to get your back knee down to lightly touching the floor and lock out your front leg in the top position.

Keep your chest up and arms straight with your shoulders back.

Workout 5

  1. Kettlebell or Dumbbell Two Handed Swing x 15 reps
  2. Dumbbell Squat and Rotational Press x 10 reps alternating
  3. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

A simple full body workout that is very demanding on all the muscles in the body as well as your cardio.

Dumbbell Squat and Rotational Press Exercise

Dumbbell Squat and Rotational Press
Dumbbell Squat and Rotational Press

The squat and rotational press is a huge full body exercise that will really elevate your heart rate.

Holding the dumbbells at shoulder height squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor.

Drive up from the floor rotating in one direction while pressing the dumbbells overhead.

If the movement is too complicated for you then start with just the squat.

Don’t cheat and rush the squat movement in order to complete the exercise.

Take your time and perform each repetition perfectly.

Workout 6

  1. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 1 Up 1 Down Left x 10 reps
  2. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 1 Up 1 Down Right x 10 reps
  3. Kettlebell Clean and Press Left x 8 reps each side
  4. Kettlebell Clean and Press Right x 8 reps each side
  5. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

Another full body workout that will test your shoulder stability and strength.

Complete each exercise one after the other and then rest at the end of the circuit before repeating.

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 1 Up and 1 Down Exercise

Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 1 Up 1 Down
Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 1 Up 1 Down

For this interesting dumbbell lunge exercise one dumbbell is held at shoulder height for the duration of the exercise repetitions.

You then switch sides and legs and repeat.

Ensure that the back knee touches or gets very close to the floor in order to fully activate the buttock muscles.

Keep your chest up and core tight in order to stabilise the movement.

Kettlebell Clean and Press Exercise

Kettlebell Clean and Press
Kettlebell Clean and Press

The kettlebell clean and press is a real fully body strength move that leaves no muscle untouched.

Be sure to clean the kettlebell to the racked position using your hips and not your arms.

Create tension through your whole body by squeezing your fist and clenching your buttocks tight before pressing the kettlebell overhead.

Control the kettlebell slowly back down to the bottom position before repeating the movement.

Learn more: Stop banging your wrists and clean like a pro

Advanced Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

Now we progress onto the more demanding dumbbells and kettlebell exercises.

You will be challenging your balance, movement skills and strength throughout the following 3 workouts.

As with all exercises take your time and master the movements perfectly before adding additional weight.

Workout 7

  1. Dumbbell Single Leg Row Left x 8 reps
  2. Dumbbell Single Leg Row Right x 8 reps
  3. Kettlebell Turkish Get Up Left x 1
  4. Kettlebell Turkish Get Up Right x 1
  5. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

Both of the exercises in this workout will challenge your strength and stabilising muscles.

Move slowly and methodically through the exercises practice perfect form throughout.

Dumbbell Single Leg Row Exercise

Dumbbell Single Leg Row
Dumbbell Single Leg Row

Keeping your weight on your one heel perform a double dumbbell row.

Imagine that your elbows are attached to string that is being pulled up towards the ceiling.

Keep your core muscles tight and do not arch your lower back.

Pause at the top position for 2 seconds before slowly lowering the dumbbells back down to the start position.

Related: 5 best single leg exercises you need to know

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up Exercise

Turkish Get Up
Turkish Get Up

You will develop full body strength, stability and mobility with this kettlebell exercise.

Starting from the lying down position and keeping the arm straight sit up and then stand.

Return back to the lying position by reversing the movements.

It is very important not to rush the kettlebell turkish get up, work slowly and methodically.

Discover more: Ultimate guide to the kettlebell turkish get up

Workout 8

  1. Dumbbell Double Lunge left x 6 reps
  2. Dumbbell Double Lunge right x 6 reps
  3. Kettlebell Snatch left x 10 reps
  4. Kettlebell Snatch right x 10 reps
  5. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

A superb full body workout that will build strength and improve your cardio.

One of my favourite combination workouts that achieves so much in only a short amount of time.

Dumbbell Double Lunge Exercise

Dumbbell Double Lunge
Dumbbell Double Lunge

The dumbbell double lunge combine both the forwards and backwards lunge into one movement.

The trick to this exercise is to keep one foot still while the other continuously lunges forwards and then backwards.

Try to avoid touching your foot down in between repetitions to increase the difficulty of the exercise.

Keep your chest up and arms straight and by your sides.

Lunging forwards and then backwards counts as 1 repetition.

Kettlebell Snatch Exercise

Kettlebell Snatch
Kettlebell Snatch

The kettlebell snatch is a full body exercise that takes the kettlebell from the bottom of the swing position up and overhead.

The secret to the kettlebell snatch is to keep the kettlebell nice and close to the body on the way up to the top position.

You will need to actively drive your hand through at the top of the movement to avoid the kettlebell banging onto your wrist.

Learn more: Ultimate guide to the kettlebell snatch exercise

Workout 9

  1. Dumbbell Cross Body Clean and Press Left x 8 reps
  2. Dumbbell Cross Body Clean and Press Right x 8 reps
  3. Kettlebell or Dumbbell Single Handed Swing Left x 15 reps
  4. Kettlebell or Dumbbell Single Handed Swing Right x 15 reps
  5. Kettlebell Deck Squat x 5 reps
  6. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-4 times

Our final workout uses 3 full body exercises that are performed one after the other to develop strength, cardio and mobility.

Dumbbell Cross Body Clean and Press Exercise

Dumbbell Cross Body Clean and Press
Dumbbell Cross Body Clean and Press

Perhaps my favourite full body dumbbell exercise is the cross body clean and press.

Be prepared for a real cardio overload from this exercise.

Pull the dumbbell across the body using your hips and a strong flat back.

Push the dumbbell overhead before slowly lowering the dumbbell back down and across the body.

Kettlebell Single Handed Swing Exercise

Kettlebell Single Arm Swing
Kettlebell Single Arm Swing

Following on from the two handed kettlebell swing we now remove one hand for this variation of the swing.

Performing the kettlebell swing with one hand rather than two increases the rotational demands on the core muscles as well as the stability required in the shoulder joint.

Again you can perform the kettlebell swing with a dumbbell but this time hold the dumbbell by the handle horizontally.

Again the full movement is based on the deadlift movement pattern and generates the power from the hips rather than the arm.

Discover more: Are you ready for the one arm swing

Kettlebell Deck Squat Exercise

Deck Squat
Deck Squat

You will need good hip mobility in order to complete the kettlebell deck squat.

Start with a deep squat before rolling backwards, bridging and activating the glutes.

Next, use the kettlebell to help pull you forwards and back up and into the standing position.

Learn more: Top 7 floor based kettlebell core exercises 

Conclusion of 9 Kettlebell and Dumbbell Workouts

Above I have listed 9 kettlebell and dumbbell workouts starting with the easiest and finishing with the most challenging.

These workouts challenge most muscles in your body and so should not be taken lightly.

Start from the beginning regardless of your previous experience.

Any workout can be made more difficult by increasing the weight.

If you are looking for a way to program these workouts then I would work through one workout every week or two taking 2-4 days rest per week.

Do not advance onto the next workout until you have completely mastered all the exercises and the workout.

Enjoy the workouts!

See more general workouts like this here.

Have you tried any of these workouts? Let me know more below…

Can you do kettlebell swings with dumbbells?

Yes, although the feel of the exercise is not quite the same or as enjoyable as with a kettlebell. Perfect technique is important as with all swing based exercises.

What muscles does the dumbbell swing work?

The dumbbell swing exercise uses the same muscles as the kettlebell swing, namely the buttocks, hamstrings, back, hips and core muscles.

What are the benefits of dumbbell swings?

Dumbbells swings, just like kettlebell swings, will activate 100’s of muscles in one movement while at the same time challenging your cardio and all without the need for heavy impact on the joints.

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  1. Raman CHETTIAR Avatar
    Raman CHETTIAR

    Thanks for publishing itโ€™s absolutely brilliant!
    I just wanted to know can I do Workout 1,2, and 3 on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday? And the same with the other workouts (only once Iโ€™m comfortable that I can do the 1,2&3 properly)?
    Thanks again for this guide as especially with no gym to go Iโ€™ve ended up changing my basement into a mini gym but can only afford dumbells and barbells!

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Sure Raman, the workout schedule is flexible. It’s always best to start slowly and build up over time.