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Transcription from the Audio
Next exercise, carrying on with this Kettlebell Cardio Challenge is the snatch. So we’ve gone for the regular swing, and we’ve gone for the high pull, and then finally we go up top for the snatch. Now, once you’ve perfected this high pull, the snatch is just a continuation on from that. So you pull, and then you push that hand through. So you swing like the regular swing up to chest height, pull the kettlebell toward you with a nice, tight wrist, and then you push the kettlebell over the top. Keep that wrist nice and tight.
Do not just carry on the swing up to the top like this with a straight arm because the kettlebell will then come over the top and just bang you on your wrist. It’s very important that you come up, pull, get that kettlebell close to the body, and then push up. That’s the best way to learn to do that kettlebell snatch. As you perfect that technique, you’ll find it’s a lot, lot better for your wrist, and you don’t get that banging on your wrist. So let’s see what it looks like from the side.
Remember everything is the same as the swing to here, and then we pull and push, pull and push. Keep that wrist nice and straight. From the top here we throw the kettlebell over the top. Absorb, pull, and push. Throw, pull, and push. Come down. Again, you’re going to be performing 20 repetitions on each side. Try not, if you can, to not put the kettlebell down. So you’re going to go for your swings, 20, change hands, 20, change hands into the high pull, change hands into the other high pull, and change hands into the snatch. The best way to change hands is just with a regular swing, turn the hand in, grab the kettlebell, and change hands that way. So 20 snatches on each side for this exercise.