The Kettlebell Clean and Push Press takes the regular Clean and Press and adds a little more leg movement to help get the kettlebell into the overhead position.
I’ve written extensively about the Clean and Press and Overhead Press here:
Related: Stop Banging Your Wrists and Clean Like a Pro
Related: Complete Guide to the Kettlebell Overhead Press
When pressing a kettlebell overhead the hardest part is getting the kettlebell from the racked position on the chest to the 2nd part of the overhead press.
This sticking point is often referred to as the hole.
In order to help get the kettlebell out of the hole you can use your legs to help add a little momentum to the kettlebell.
Watch a video below describing the kettlebell push press:
A few teaching points:
Once you have nicely cleaned the kettlebell up and into the racked position, bend the knees slightly and push the hips backwards as if performing a quarter squat.
Next, drive the hips forwards and straighten the legs.
If you perform this movement vigorously enough the kettlebell will pop up out of the racked position and with a little pressing help enable you to achieve the first part of the press.
The rest can then be achieved with shoulder power!
The Kettlebell Clean and Push Press is a great exercise to perform if you are struggling with the standard kettlebell clean and press exercise.
Related: Stop Banging Your Wrists and Clean Like a Pro
To see more posts about push workouts, go here.
Most of the muscles in your body including the hamstrings and glutes, core, lower and upper back, lats, shoulders, and triceps.
Once you have nicely cleaned the kettlebell up and into the racked position, bend the knees slightly and then drive the hips forwards squeezing the glutes and use the momentum to push the kettlebell directly overhead.
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