Home / Kettlebell Half Kneeling Press

Kettlebell Half Kneeling Press

By Greg Brookes

The Kettlebell Half Kneeling Press is a good exercise to practice working on your core activation. Your core stabilisation works differently depending on your foot position, so although you may feel solid during your squatting stance the lunge position may feel totally different.

In my experience most people have a weaker side when you put then into a lunge position. The further in line you place the feet behind each other the more difficult the exercise will be.

So to begin with start in a half kneeling position, one knee should be in contact with the ground, the rear hip should be extended with the rear Glute braced and activated. A good queue is to knee tall through the crown of the head.

Practice a few overhead presses in this position, if you find this easy on both sides then reduce your center of balance by bringing your back foot across and more inline with your front foot.

You will find the narrower the stance the more difficult it becomes.

The main objective here is to find asymmetries between the 2 sides. If both sides are equal then you are rockin’. If one side is wobbly and the other side stable then you will want to practice more presses on that side than the other.

Not only is this exercise a great test for your core stabilisation but it is also an excellent platform to work on your overhead pressing.

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