Home / Kettlebell Pro Half Reverse Turkish Get Up

Kettlebell Pro Half Reverse Turkish Get Up


10 reps each side

Watch Exercise 11

Transcription from the Audio

Next, we move on to the half reverse Turkish getup. Bit of a mouthful. Really good for the shoulder. Really good for the core muscles. Takes a bit of stabilization as well. So let me talk you through it.

So we start off with a kettlebell overhead. Nice straight wrist. From here, step back into that reverse lunge. Take the hand down on the side of the body with the palm down. Make sure you don’t go too far forwards and don’t fall backwards this way. Should crease to the side. From here, straighten the body up first, then stand up. That’s the exercise. Let me try it with a kettlebell. See how we get on.

So, nice straight wrist. So, eyes pointed forward. Step back, hands to side, straighten, and stand. Let’s do one more. Step back, hands to the side, straighten, and stand.

So, that’s the half reverse Turkish getup. You’re going to do 10 repetitions on both sides. Try and keep your arm up and straight and locked for all 10 repetitions. If you find that too difficult, you can always do two, three, four, or five on each side and then just change sides.

Best of luck. It’s a tricky one.