Home / Kettlebell Side Lunge

Kettlebell Side Lunge

By Greg Brookes

Kettlebell side lunge

The Kettlebell Side Lunge will add an extra dimension to your training and is excellent for hip mobility and functional strength.

Lunging to the side will place large demands on your buttocks and quads.

The kettlebell is usually held in both hands and should be kept high on the chest under the chin in order to prevent putting a larger strain on the lower back.

If the weight starts to drop down towards the midsection, then you will feel your back extensors working very hard to keep your spine upright.

The higher the kettlebell is kept on the chest, the better.

Watch a video of the kettlebell side lunge in action below:

A beginner just starting with the kettlebell side lunge will want to practice the movement without a kettlebell first before adding any load.

Once you have a good grasp of the exercise and feel comfortable with it, then you can start by adding weight gradually.

For the first few repetitions of the side lunge ensure that you do not go down too deep as this can result in groin strains for the novice side lunge.

Once you have warmed up the movement pattern then attempt to drop a little deeper each time.

The deeper you can get with the side lunge the more emphasis you will place on the buttocks and also the thighs.

Ensure to keep your weight back on your heels to maximize the buttock’s muscle activation.

Keeping the chest up and back flat will ensure that you do not suffer any lower back fatigue or injury.

To see more posts about knee bend workouts, go here.

Related: 16 Kettlebell Lunge Variations from Beginner to Advanced

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  1. Steve Shepherd Avatar
    Steve Shepherd

    Hi Greg,

    I hope all is well ๐Ÿ™‚

    Greg, having being diagnosed with changeable arthritis in parts of my foot/toes/heel/ankle (despite being active for many years/training with conv. weights), my GP said that the consultant wanted to operate and ‘fuse’ the joints. On going on a vegan diet about three years ago, this has alleviated 98% of pain and I have a lot of mobility back in my foot, however, the toes still don’t bend to their capacity.

    I find doing the front/reverse lunge awkward and slightly painful where as the side lunge is fantastic and does not have any adverse effects on my feet joints.

    But, does it have the same beneficial effect for firming and shaping the glutes as the conventional lunge?

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best wishes,
    Steve Shepherd

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Very interesting Steve, thanks for the feedback. Yes the side lunge is a very powerful exercise for the Quads and Glutes as well as mobility of the hips. One other option for you is to perform the Bulgarian Lunge where you support the rear leg on a foam roller or raised soft bench behind you, then perform static lunges up and down before switching sides. Hope this helps.