Home / Kettlebell Workout Finishers – Part 2

Kettlebell Workout Finishers – Part 2

By Greg Brookes

Happy Tuesday to you.

As I prepare to fly back to London from sunny Florida I just wanted update you on the 2nd part of this workout series.

Last Friday I explained how you should be warming up before your Kettlebell workout and why just following the same old warm up routine isn’t enough.

Today we move onto the main part of the workout and how you can put together your own highly effective kettlebell workout finisher.

Kettlebell Workout Finishers are very different from regular workouts. Originally they were designed to be used at the end of a much larger workout to really push you and use up whatever resources you had left.

I believe that Kettlebell Finishers if used correctly can totally replace your main workout and get you just as many results in a lot less time.

So, just like the Kettlebell Workout Finisher we used in our last 30 day challenge here…

==>> 30 Day Kettlebell Workout Challenge

…kettlebell finishers need certain very important ingredients:

  • Use large full body multi-joint exercises
  • Focus on movement patterns not muscles
  • Last no longer than 10 minutes

So if you want to design your own Kettlebell Workout Finishers here are my own personal guidelines:

  1. Choose 1-4 full body exercises eg. Swing & Push Ups (ensure you use different movement patterns or divide them into pushing and pulling exercises)
  2. Alternate between the exercises for 100 – 200 reps
  3. Use countdowns, repeats or intervals to motivate eg. a countdown of 10 down to 1
  4. Keep it simple and fun
  5. Add a standing and a floor based exercise to challenge the heart rate even more.

This is the formula I have been using for the last few years to design all my Kettlebell Finishers. I have refined the formula and seen excellent results both with my clients and in my kettlebell classes.

Give it a go and see what you can come up with.

On Friday I will reveal my undulating stretching technique and explain when and how it should be used.

Until then, take care and enjoy experimenting with some new and exciting workout methods.


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