Today I’m pleased to announce the release of the new kettlebell app for all kettlebell training enthusiasts, the kettlebell workout wizard. Currently available for free on the app store for iPhone and Google Play for Android.
If ever you struggle with motivation or not knowing exactly what workout to perform on any given day then this is the workout app for you.
You can now generate a random kettlebell workout (WOD) whenever you choose at the touch of a button.
What is the Kettlebell Workout Wizard app?
The kettlebell workout wizard is an app for your phone that enables you to generate a random kettlebell workout based upon your level of experience.
Here is a screenshot of a randomised kettlebell workout:

The workout app contains 3 skill levels, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
You can see from the workout above that the Intermediate level was chosen and the kettlebell wizard app generated a workout of 5 exercises.
Each exercise is performed one after the other with a minimum amount of rest.
There are a total of 45 different kettlebell exercises

Each kettlebell exercise has been carefully chosen based on its movement pattern and the ability to activate as many muscles as possible with one single movement.
The kettlebell exercises are accompanied by a video, graphic and teaching points in order to ensure you master the technique.
Here’s a screenshot of the exercise description screen:

You have the option of a quick view via the GIF image at the top, teaching points below or you can watch a video to see the exercise in action.
Please ensure that you master the exercise before attempting it during your workout. Practice with a lighter kettlebell to develop simple strength and confidence with the movement.
How to use the kettlebell app
Everyone should begin by selecting the ‘beginners‘ level and then selecting a ‘new workout‘.
I encourage you to NOT keep scrolling through waiting for a workout that looks attractive. You will find you achieve better results and achieve greater balance of your body by using whatever workout is generated for you. Work on your weaknesses.
Next select the first exercise of your workout and read the teaching points and watch the video. Are you happy with the exercise? If not, practice. Repeat the same with all the other exercises within your workout.
You can find lot more detailed articles and videos of all the exercises here on this website, I suggest you start here.
Now you are happy with the exercise you can hit the back button and progress through the workout.
Perform each exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
If you want to improve your cardio then try to keep rest periods to a minimum in between exercises.
Can you complete the entire workout without putting the kettlebell down?
Once you have completed 1 circuit you can either select a ‘new workout‘ or repeat the same circuit again.
I’d recommend that you perform 2-4 circuits, 3-5 times per week.
Once you find you are completing the ‘beginners’ level workouts easily then you can progress onto the next level.
Try not to progress too quickly, 4-6 weeks is a good time frame for each workout level.
Where can I download the kettlebell workout app?
The kettlebell training app is currently available on the app store for iPhone, and Google Play for Android.
Enjoy the kettlebell app and please keep me updated on all your results.
Do you have any suggestions to help improve the app? Let me know below:
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