Home / 12 Min Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss

12 Min Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss

By Greg Brookes

12 min kettlebell workouts for fat loss

Kettlebells are the perfect tool for fat loss and these 12 min kettlebell workouts are the best way to begin.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or more advanced, using these 12 min kettlebell workouts for fat loss will generate full body results without the need for too much time commitment.

Kettlebell training uses hundreds of muscles at a time as well as challenging your cardio so you won’t need to do any separate training on top.

The most important workouts are the ones that get completed regularly so I’ve outlined 3 fat loss workouts below, each lasting just 4 minutes but performed 3 times for a total of 12 minutes.

Now you have no excuses not to get started…

1Beginners Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss

If you are new to kettlebell training then this is the best place to begin.

The focus of this first 12 min kettlebell circuit for fat loss is to activate as many muscles as possible but in a risk free way so you can start to hone your skills and get used to holding a kettlebell.

Women should use an 8kg (15lbs) and Men a 12kg (25lbs) or 16kg (35lbs) kettlebell.

best kettlebell starting weights

This 12 minute kettlebell workout lasts for just 4 minutes but is repeated 3 times. Rest for 60 seconds at the end of each 4 minute workout if needed.

I would not recommend more than 3 circuits.

You can practice this workout daily taking a days rest when you feel you need one.

When you can comfortably complete the workout for 3 circuits with a 60 second rest in between each one then move on to the intermediate workout.

Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout 1

  • Slingshot Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Single Arm Deadlift – Left x 30 seconds
  • Single Arm Deadlift – Right x 30 seconds
  • Halo Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Slingshot Anti Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Halo Anti Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Bodyweight Squats x 60 seconds

Work your way through the above exercises, one after the other, trying not to put the kettlebell down.

You will notice that the exercise changes every 30 seconds, you may find using an interval timer that beeps every 30 seconds helpful to keep you on track.

The final exercise is the bodyweight squat.

Most people struggle with good quality squats which is why this exercise does not use a kettlebell. If you have mastered the bodyweight squat then holding a kettlebell with both hands while squatting is an option.

The Kettlebell Slingshot Exercise

kettlebell slingshot exercise

The kettlebell slingshot is the first exercise included in this beginners workout and is a perfect introduction to kettlebell training.

Try to keep your hips still and belly button drawn in as you pass the kettlebell around your body.

You will be surprised at how demanding this exercise can be on your arms and grip strength.

Try to relax a little as you complete the movement.

Want more? See Why I love Kettlebell Slingshots here

The Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift Exercise

Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift

The kettlebell single arm deadlift is the first of our big fat loss exercises.

This full body kettlebell exercise activates the legs, glutes, and back as well as raising the heart rate quickly.

Ensure you keep your back nice and flat and bend from the hips rather than the lower back.

Push the hips backwards as the kettlebell is lowered and then drive them forwards and squeeze your buttocks tight as the kettlebell is lifted.

Want more? See 7 Kettlebell Deadlift Variations

The Kettlebell Halo Exercise

kettlebell halo exercise

The kettlebell halo is a great exercise for mobilising the upper body as well as working the shoulders and upper back.

Keep the kettlebell nice and close to your neck as you roll it around the tops of your shoulders.

Try to stay relaxed and looking forwards throughout the whole of the exercise.

The Bodyweight Squat Exercise

Bodyweight Y Squats Exercise

The bodyweight squat is another of our big fat loss exercises.

You will activate most of the muscles of the body with this exercise as well as raising your heart rate quickly.

Sit back on your heels as you drop down into the squat and don’t let your heels lift off the floor.

Keep your chest and rib cage lifted up and keep looking forwards at all times.

It is very important that you squat down nice and deep into the movement as I show in the image above.

Failure to squat deep enough will result in minimal buttock activation as less fat burning potential.

Watch a Video of this Beginners Kettlebell Circuit for Fat Loss

2Intermediate Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss

Our second fat loss workout gets a lot more dynamic and has the potential for a lot more mistakes to be made.

We still use a few of the exercises from the first workout so there is familiarity but more focus is placed on the very demanding kettlebell swing and goblet squat.

Again women should use an 8kg (17lbs) or 12kg (25lbs) and Men a 12kg (25lbs) or 16kg (35lbs) kettlebell.

best kettlebell starting weights

If you feel you need to switch kettlebells during the circuit then that is fine just try to keep the pace up.

The workout is 4 minutes long and just like the beginners workout your goal is to work up to 3 circuits with a 60 second rest in between each one.

Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout 2

  • Two Handed Swing x 30 seconds
  • Slingshot Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Two Handed Swing x 30 seconds
  • Slingshot Anti Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Goblet Squat x 30 seconds
  • Halo Clockwise x 30 seconds
  • Goblet Squat x 30 seconds
  • Halo Anti Clockwise x 30 seconds

As with the beginners fat loss workout you will be changing exercises every 30 seconds.

The workout is designed in this way to give you pockets of recovery as you move from a challenging exercise to a slightly less strenuous one.

Please work hard at mastering the kettlebell swing, the single handed deadlift exercise should have helped you perform a good hip snap and this is just a more dynamic variation of this.

If the goblet squats become a problem you can always perform the bodyweight squat as mentioned in the beginners workout.

The Two Handed Kettlebell Swing Exercise

Kettlebell Swing Two Hands

The two handed kettlebell swing is the king of all fat loss exercises and activates most of the muscles in the body as well as increasing your heart rate quickly.

The most important part of the kettlebell swing is the hip snap.

Beginners often fail to hinge at the hips and instead use their lower back in order to produce the momentum of the swing.

Keep your back flat throughout the exercise and work on your timing as you snap your hips forwards and backwards.

Drive the top of your head towards the ceiling with every repetition and squeeze your buttocks and abs tight at the top of the movement.

Want more? See the Ultimate Guide to the Kettlebell Swing

The Kettlebell Goblet Squat Exercise

Kettlebell Goblet Squat Exercise

The kettlebell goblet squat progresses on from the bodyweight squat that hopefully you mastered in the beginners workout.

Holding the kettlebell at chest height actually helps with the balance of the squatting movement and enables you to sit your hips back further without falling backwards.

As mentioned with the bodyweight version, squatting down deep enough so your buttock muscles are activated is important to get the most from this exercise.

Don’t allow your knees to fall inwards, you can use your elbows to prevent this at the bottom of the squat position.

Want more? 7 Kettlebell Squat Variations You Need to Know

Watch a Video of this Intermediate Kettlebell Circuit for Fat Loss

3Advanced Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss

For our final kettlebell workout for fat loss we leap into some more challenging full body exercises.

I recommend that you practice all these exercises on their own before performing them as part of a complete workout.

You should have a better understanding of what weight is right for you but in my experience women should be using an 8kg (17lbs) or 12kg (25lbs) and Men a 12kg (25lbs), 16kg (35lbs) or 24kg (50lbs) kettlebell.

The workout lasts for 4 minutes and you should be seamlessly changing hands between each exercise without putting the kettlebell down.

Again the goal is 3 circuits with a 60 second rest in between each circuit.

Kettlebell Fat Loss Workout 3

  • Single Handed Swing Left x 30 seconds
  • Single Handed Swing Right x 30 seconds
  • Reverse Lunge Left x 30 seconds
  • Reverse Lunge Right x 30 seconds
  • Regular Row Left x 30 seconds
  • Regular Row Right x 30 seconds
  • Racked Squat Left x 30 seconds
  • Racked Squat Right x 30 seconds

Each exercise lasts for 30 seconds so you may want to use an interval timer to remind you when to change exercises.

Don’t rush through the workout, take your time in between changes and make sure you understand what is important during each movement.

Again practice each exercise first before attempting to complete a full circuit as laid out above.

The Single Handed Kettlebell Swing Exercise

one handed kettlebell swing

The single handed kettlebell swing takes the two handed swing to the next level by overloading the one side of the body.

Not only will your shoulder have to deal with a greater stabilisation challenge but your core muscles also have to counterbalance the rotational forces.

For fat loss the single handed kettlebell swing is a great way to activate most of the muscles in your body as well as increasing your cardio without the need to move your feet.

Want more? When to Progress to the Single Handed Swing

The Kettlebell Reverse Lunge Exercise

Kettlebell Racked Reverse Lunge Exercise

The kettlebell reverse lunge will strengthen the legs and buttocks as well as the core muscles.

You will also be surprised at how cardiovascular the kettlebell lunge can be.

The back knee should come as close to the floor as possible during each repetition in order to activate the buttock muscles fully.

Keep your chest up, core tight, elbow tucked in and eyes looking forwards.

Make sure you can perform beautiful solid lunges without a kettlebell before progressing on to this exercise.

Want more? See 16 Kettlebell Lunge Variations

The Kettlebell Regular Row Exercise

Kettlebell Regular Row Exercise

The kettlebell row works deep into the back muscles where there is a lot of fat burning potential that is often neglected.

The tricky part about the row is maintaining a nice flat back throughout the complete exercise.

Practice shifting your weight back onto your heels during the exercise and loading your hamstrings.

Imagine your elbow is attached to piece of string that is being pulled directly up and towards the ceiling.

Be sure not to hunch your shoulders during the row, keep them pulled down towards your hips throughout the movement.

Row slowly both up and down keeping your core muscles tight and engaged.

Want more? See 10 Best Kettlebell Exercises for the Back

The Kettlebell Racked Squat Exercise

Kettlebell Racked Squat Exercise

The kettlebell racked squat is a continuation on from the goblet squat mentioned above.

Holding the kettlebell in one hand against the chest loads the one side of the body more and also allows for better transitions from one kettlebell exercise to the next.

Keep the elbow locked in nice and tight so as not to strain and prematurely fatigue the shoulder muscles.

Later more advanced kettlebellers can add a press to the top of the movement to further intensify the exercise and increase its cardio output.

Want more? How to Master the Kettlebell Thruster

Watch a Video of this Advanced Kettlebell Circuit for Fat Loss

Conclusion of 12 Min Kettlebell Workouts for Fat Loss

Above I have outlined 3 kettlebell workouts for fat loss.

The best fat loss workouts use as many muscles as possible, increase cardio levels, as well as being short enough to motivate you to complete them.

These fat loss workouts will get the job done in only 4 – 12 minutes per day.

Pair these workouts with a sensible all natural diet and you can change the way you look and feel sooner than you realise.

These workouts are taken from the Beginner’s Kettlebell Program that progresses from beginner to advanced all using just 4 minute workouts.

Got any fat loss questions? Let me know more in the comments below:

10 best kettlebell workouts

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    1. Toya Avatar

      Hey Greg! Great article! I’m overweight 250lbs+ woman at 26 yrs old. Would this workout routine work for me? Will it make a noticeable change my body?

      How long would you recommend I stick to this plan? 3 months? I plan to start with the beginners workout coupled with waking everyday and incorporate the diet tips I read in one of your other posts.

    2. Greg B Avatar
      Greg B

      Hey, Greg! How many times per week should one do these workouts? I’m 39-yo man w/ no serious health issues.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        2 – 4 times per week Greg depending on how quickly you recover. Enjoy!

    3. Dave Avatar

      I’m just starting work out with kettlebells, previously done 8 years cardio/running but now have osteoarthritis in my spine so looking to build strength and just wondering how to progress through these workouts

      I’m starting with 4kg weight, should I do beginners, then intermediate then advanced with the 4kg and then repeat again with 6kg and again with 8kg etc

      I want to take things slowly but surely and I’m happy to stay with each workout for as long as necessary before I move on, but wanted to know best progression method up the levels and with increase in weights

      many thanks

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        Hello Dave, can I suggest that you beginner with these 5 exercises and workouts first.

    4. Amanda Ghea Avatar
      Amanda Ghea

      Hi. This is a question for Greg!
      I am looking to start using kettle bells as exercise because I have Osteopenia. Do your 21 beginners and above workouts assist this bone density.

      1. Greg Brookes Avatar

        They sure do Amanda as will any resistance based exercise.