Sure is a windy one today, almost got hit by a falling tree branch in the park!
OK, do you want to make stretching easier?
Yes…then start performing a stretching circuit.
Here’s an example of my evening routine…
- Pigeon Lunge
- Seated Hamstring & Lats
- Prone Quad
- Deep Lunge Hip Flexors
- Spinal Rocks
I set my timer and perform each stretch for 30 seconds on each side. Total circuit: 5 mins
I just perform the circuit once and I’m done…BOOM 🙂
Watch the Deep Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch below:
Also the Pigeon Lunge Stretch:
A few important points:
1. Everyone is different
My stretching routine may not suit you. You will need to choose stretches that compliment your body and tight areas. Stretch your tight areas and leave the already flexible areas alone to restore balance.
2. Breathe Deep and Relax
Stretching is only effective when you relax. Don’t fight the stretch. Learn to breathe deeply into each stretch. You will get better results stretching in the evening when you are more relaxed than after your workout.
Putting together a stretching circuit will keep your flexibility on track and ensure that you complete your stretches quickly and effectively.
So give it a try, and let me know how you get on.
Take care,
To see more posts about prehab/rehab workouts, go here.
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