Happy Thursday to you,
This week I was hoping to launch my new kettlebell workout app but sadly it’s been held up by the app store.
It shouldn’t be much longer though, only a few more days 🙂
As soon as it launches you’ll be the first to know.
OK, let’s get into it…

Balancing your workouts
If you thought the principle of using just 5 movement patterns during your workouts was simple, what about only 2?
Practically all movements can be divided into either a push or a pull.
Understanding pushing and pulling is important because it enables you to look at any exercise or sport and know exactly what is being used.
Here are some examples:
- Deadlift, Swing, Snatch, Clean, Rows = Pulls
- Squat, Lunge, Pistols, Press = Push
- Cycling, Running, Football, Rugby = Push
- Rowing = Pull
Notice how there are many push and pull exercises but when it comes to sports most use the push pattern.
The world is full of pushing dominance. Walk into any gym and most people are using pushing exercises rather than pulling.
Pulling is very important to balance the body:
- Most of the postural muscles are pulling
- The back is predominantly for pulling
- The hamstrings and buttocks are for pulling
Bad postures, lower back issues, quad dominance, and hamstring injuries, usually originate from poorly conditioned pulling.
Now here’s my question to you…
What does your life / sport look like?
Should you balance your movements with more pushing or pulling?
Chances are, you need to add more pulls into your life 🙂
Luckily kettlebell training is full of them.
The kettlebell swing is the perfect start. Not quite ready for the swing then use the single handed deadlift. More advanced, then work on the snatch.
Understanding the push and pull also leads to some very minimalist workouts:
- Kettlebell swing (pull) x 10
- Push Ups (push) x 10
Or how about the most abbreviated workout of them all using just 1 exercise:
- Kettlebell Clean (Pull) and Press (Push) x 10
Ultimately, understanding pushing and pulling enables you to better balance your body and your workouts.
Learn more: the one exercise per day workout

Here’s my most popular kettlebell workout challenge:
300 kettlebell challenge
- One Handed Swing (pull) – 50 reps each side
- Snatch (pull) – 25 reps each side
- Clean and Press (pull & push) – 25 reps each side
- Reverse Lunge (push) – 25 reps each side
- Squat and Press (push) – 25 reps each side
Firstly, can you see the perfect balance between pushing and pulling?
Complete all the exercises one after the other with as little rest as possible. If you need to break up the reps then swap sides every 5 or 10 reps.
Your goal is under 20 minutes. Under 15 is much better and time to increase the weight.
See all my kettlebell workout programs here

I love reading. I went from a schoolboy who would never read a book, to achieving a BA (Hons) degree in Philosophy years later.
I try to read at least 2 books per month.
Yesterday I compiled a list of all the health and fitness books I’ve read that seem to stand out above all others.
Take a look below…
Great health and fitness books worth reading
If there is a book that you think I should mention then please let me know in the comments.
That’s all for today my friend,
Take care of yourself and each other,
P.S. Use ATHOME to get a special discount off all my workout programs