Home / Weekly Newsletter / Weekly Newsletter January 7, 2021

Weekly Newsletter January 7, 2021

Happy New Year,

Let’s get started with a happy and healthy 2021.

I don’t tend to set new years resolutions anymore, instead I look at last year and try to increase the things that went well and reduce the things that didn’t.

For example, last year I completely eliminated coffee and alcohol and felt so much better for it. So this year I’ll continue with that.

This year I’ll also be focusing more on my own daily meditation. I currently meditate for 30 minutes per day but would like to increase that to 60 minutes. 

Meditation does take some time and practice to really get into but even just 10 minutes per day will dramatically improve your mental and thus physical health.

I don’t use an app or guided meditations anymore but the Headspace App is great for beginners and makes it really easy to get started.

Regardless of what you would like to achieve this year, building on small habits is the key to success.

To help with your habit building I have 2 workout challenges for January: the squat challenge is the easiest and the clean challenge a little more difficult. 

Choose just one, they are simple and designed to help keep your exercise habits consistent.

Movement Focus

Say NO to regular cardio

If your goal is losing fat in 2021 then it’s time for something different.

Did you know that regular cardio, like running or cycling, is not very effective for fat loss?

Research has repeatedly shown that regular cardio:

  • Often makes you more hungry
  • Slows down your metabolism
  • Results in overuse injuries (knees, back, hips) 
  • Over predicts the amount of calories used

What you eat and drink has a much bigger effect on fat loss. 

You would have to run all day in order to keep up with a bad diet 🙁

And if you are worried about your heart then understand that your diet again has a larger effect on your health than the cardio exercise.

If you love running or cycling then this does not mean you should stop, it just means that if you are struggling through workouts just for fat loss then there are better options.

Shorter but regular strength training is far more productive.

If performed correctly you can reshape your body and challenge your cardio in a safer and more effective way.

Research has shown that 4 minute interval based workouts are just as effective as 30 minutes of regular cardio.

Plus, with shorter 4 minute strength based workouts you actually increase your metabolic rate as well as increase muscle mass and bone density at the same time.

Learn more by reading the well researched book: The Great Cardio Myth

Weekly Workout

Do-it-Yourself workout formula:

  • Hip Hinge – (swings, deadlift variations)
  • Push – (push ups, overhead presses)
  • Knee Bend – (squats, lunges, step ups)
  • Pull – (rows, pull ups)
  • Core – (planks, get ups)

Here’s a really simple formula to ensure you activate all the important movement patterns of the body along with over 600 muscles.

You can use only kettlebells or a mixture of dumbbells, bodyweight, TRX, medicine balls etc.

Perform 12 – 15 reps of each exercise one after the other keeping rest periods to a minimum to keep your heart rate elevated. For the core exercises use lower reps or a time of 30 – 60 seconds.

Beginners or those getting back into exercise should perform just 1 circuit. Those more advanced 2 – 3 circuits.

Perform the workout 2 – 4 times per week. 

Want ready-made workouts? See my latest programs here

This weeks question:

Q. “Can I use the same kettlebell weight for the one handed swing as the two handed swing?” 

A. The one handed swing places much greater demands on the shoulders and core muscles than the two handed swing.

Once you are comfortable with the two handed swing and can perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions then you can progress to the one handed swing.

I suggest that you add in the one handed swing slowly adding just one set on each arm for a few weeks.

Be sure to warm up with the two handed swing first for a few sets before performing the one handed swing.

Every 2 – 4 weeks you can add in another set of one handed swings until you can complete 10 sets of 10 reps alternating arms after each set. 

I hope this helps.

Take care,


P.S. Once again, Happy New Year! See my latest workout programs here

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