This method of training is great for motivation and it has some great means for progression. I find using an interval Timer like a Gymboss crucial but you could just use a standard clock. Every minute you will be performing a set number of reps, the time that you have left during that minute is a rest period. You then repeat the exercise again on the start of the next minute. Repeat for 5 – 10 minutes.
# 1 – Time Rest Workout
- Double Handed Swing (30 reps)
# 2 – Time Rest Workout
- Single Handed Swing (15 reps each)
# 3 – Time Rest Workout
- Snatch (8 each side)
# 4 – Time Rest Workout
- Clean, Squat & Press (5 each side)
# 5 – Time Rest Workout
- High Pulls (20 each side)
# 6 – Time Rest Workout
- Clean & Press (8 reps each)
# 7 – Time Rest Workout
- Squat & Press (8 reps each)
# 8 – Time Rest Workout
- Side Lunge (8 reps each)
As you improve you can either increase the number of reps per minute or increase the number of circuits. I have used this method successfully to increase my 10 minute Snatch total.
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