Home / Top 5 Fat Loss Questions Answered

Top 5 Fat Loss Questions Answered

By Greg Brookes

top 5 fat loss questions answered
Happy Wednesday to you.

If you are following the 4 Week Fat Loss Challenge then today is a rest day.

Today rather than performing a workout I’ve been going through some mobility drills and stretching…feels good!

Since the challenge began I’ve been getting lots of questions about fat loss and the workouts.

Here are the top 5 fat loss and workout questions:

1. Can I do extra cardio on the rest days?

A common misconception with exercise is that more workouts = more fat loss. Wrong!

The body needs time to recover and rebuild. If you exercise hard on your rest day then you risk overtraining and then possible injury, progress plateau, as well as demotivating yourself for the rest of the week.

If you feel like you can exercise on your rest day then you are not pushing yourself hard enough on your workout days.

Still miss your hill sprints? Then replace them for one of your workouts!

2. What’s the No.1 fat loss nutrition tip?

Eliminate sugar from your diet. If you drink, then you must quit alcohol. If you drink fizzy drinks then you must swap these for water. If you eat cookies, cakes, cereal etc. then you must stop.

Nothing will have a bigger impact on your fat loss potential than quitting sugar.

And please don’t swap sugar for sweeteners or zero sugar drinks these are just as bad and the research is very well documented.

Giving up sugar is tough for the first few days but your body will adapt very quickly and the cravings will disappear, trust me ๐Ÿ™‚

3. When is the best time to exercise?

I always recommend exercising first thing in the morning before life gets in the way.

Exercising early means you can eat breakfast straight after your workout, rather than having to figure out post workout snacks etc.

It also works inline with our hormonal system, we are hormonally designed to be active in the mornings and more relaxed as the day continues.

4. What weight should I use?

Everyone is different so you will have to discover what challenges you. I also recommend that you change weights for different exercises if possible.

Here’s how I changed kettlebells during Monday’s Fat Loss workout:

  • Goblet Squat – 24kg / 50lbs
  • Regular Row – 20kg / 45lbs
  • Single Handed Deadlift – 32kg / 70lbs
  • Push Press – 20kg
  • Reverse Lunge – 20kg

Athletic ladies should be using between 8kg and 24kgs, but please listen to your body, these are only guidelines.

5. Why are those lunges so cheeky?

Everyone underestimates the lunge and many people avoid them because they are very tough.

Lunges challenge your balance, core, cardio, single leg strength and mobility. For many this is too much so I recommend that you practice these with less weight or non at all.

It is better to perform good lunges all the way down to the floor (thus activating the muscles correctly) than cheating through lots of shallow bad reps.

If they hurt your knees then practice with no weight or replace them with Goblet Squats.

Here’s a Tutorialย of the Kettlebell Reverse Lunge:

OK, that’s all for today I hope you found this useful and look forward to hearing all your feedback on Facebook or via the comments on the blog.

Take care,



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