Home / Double Kettlebell Workout Plus the Top 5 Double Kettlebell Exercises

Double Kettlebell Workout Plus the Top 5 Double Kettlebell Exercises

By Greg Brookes
Top 5 kettlebell doubles exercises

Kettlebell training can be performed with one kettlebell or two. All beginners should start with one kettlebell but for those more advanced you can progress to a double kettlebell workout.

Below I have listed a two kettlebell workout along with 5 of my favourite two kettlebell exercises.

Get great with one kettlebell before using two

Double Kettlebell training can be highly effective but most double kettlebell exercises use the same movements as single kettlebell exercise so you should always master one kettlebell first.

There are huge benefits to be had from just using one kettlebell so always master your Swings, Cleans, Squats, Lunges, Get Ups etc with one bell first.

Using 2 kettlebells requires a lot more neurological involvement so mistakes can easily be made especially when you start to fatigue.

Double Kettlebell Workout

  1. Double Single Handed Deadlift
  2. Double Windmill
  3. Double Alternating Clean or Double Swing
  4. Double Alternating Reverse Lunge
  5. Double Clean, Squat and Press

Perform 10 reps of each exercise. Rest 2 mins and repeat up to 3 times for a very demanding kettlebell complex.

Try not to put the kettlebells down between exercises!

Here are my Top 5 Kettlebell Doubles Exercises…

1) Double Alternating Kettlebell Clean

Double Alternating Clean
Double Alternating Clean

A hugely cardiovascular exercise that will exhaust you in 30 seconds guaranteed!

Start with one kettlebell in the racked position and the other in the bottom position. Next, alternate cleaning the kettlebell so as one goes down the other comes up.

Remember to use your hips to drive the kettlebell up and keep your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.

Learn more: Stop banging your wrists when you clean a kettlebell

2) Double Kettlebell Windmill

Kettlebell windmill using 2 kettlebells one in each hand
Double Kettlebell Windmill

Brilliant for the core muscles and also the stabilising health of your shoulders.

Perform a regular kettlebell windmill but with a kettlebell in each hand.

Lower slowly to the count of 3 and then drive back up.

Learn more: Master the kettlebell windmill with 4 logical progressions

Watch the Kettlebell Windmill in Action here (Just hold another kettlebell for the double)

3) Double Kettlebell Clean, Squat and Press

Double Clean, Squat and Press
Double Clean, Squat and Press

Another huge cardiovascular exercise that will hit almost every muscle in your body.

With a kettlebell in each hand perform a clean. Next squat down with the kettlebell in the racked position. Finally drive up and press both bells overhead.

Always start with the kettlebells in the bottom position between your legs and with straight arms.

Related: The one kettlebell exercise a day workout

Watch the Kettlebell Clean, Squat and Press (Just hold another kettlebell for the double)

4) Double Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift

Double Single Leg Deadlift
Double Single Leg Deadlift

The deadlift movement pattern is naturally the strongest so the extra weight will offer you some great benefits for the core, buttocks and hamstrings.

With a soft bent knee and flat back slowly lower forwards on one leg keeping your weight back on your heal.

Lower slowly to a 3 second count and then drive back up using your buttocks and hips.

Learn more: Master the single leg deadlift exercise

Watch the Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift (Just hold another kettlebell for the double)

5) Swings, Lunges or Squats

Double Kettlebell Swing for Strength
Double Kettlebell Swing

Double Handed Swings can be brutal if you are not used to them so be careful. Keep the hands rolled inwards and be careful not to bang your knuckles.

Lunges with double kettlebells down by your sides are excellent for building muscle as are double squats with both kettlebells in the racked position.

Double Racked Forward Lunge
Double Racked Forward Lunge

Both Double Kettlebell Squats and Lunges are a great introduction into Double Kettlebell Training.

Conclusion to this Double Kettlebell Workout

Training with 2 kettlebells is very demanding both physically and neurologically. Time should be spent mastering 1 kettlebell before progressing to 2 kettlebell exercises.

Practice each double kettlebell exercise before attempting to put them together into the above workout. You can also substitute a double kettlebell exercise within your existing workout before advancing to a full double kettlebell workout.

To see more posts about general kettlebells workouts and advice, go here.

Have you tried this double kettlebell workout? Let me know more below:

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  1. Joannie Huang Avatar
    Joannie Huang

    Sometimes I am bored with regular Kettlebell workouts, but this new challenge inspires me again. My lighter kettlebell(original one) won’t be lonely anymore. Thank you for all the helpful tips!

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      That is good to hear Joannie

  2. Seamus Avatar

    It would be helpful for you to provide guidance on what weight the Kettlebell’s should be when doing a double or dual exercise. For example, “If you use a 16 kg Kettlebell for single exercises, then start with 2x Kettlebells each of Y Kg for dual exercises”. Greatly appreciate if you publish here or email me. Thanks

    1. Greg Brookes Avatar

      Yes, good question Seamus. I’ve added the relevant info to the article above.