Home / When to Increase Kettlebell Weight?

When to Increase Kettlebell Weight?

By Greg Brookes

when to increase kettlebell

There will come a time when you need to increase the kettlebell weight. How do you know? The best way is to test yourself. I like to use 60 seconds as a good gauge. Can you swing for 60 seconds on each arm without resting? If so increase the weight and reduce the time back down to 30 seconds again.

Here is how it looks for the swing:

12kg Kettlebell
60 Seconds Swing Left
60 Seconds Swing Right
Progress to a 16kg
60 Seconds Double Handed Swing
Progress to:
30 Seconds Swing Left
30 Seconds Swing Right
Progress to:
40 Seconds Swing Left
40 Seconds Swing Right
Progress to:
50 Seconds Swing Left
50 Seconds Swing Right
Progress to:
60 Seconds Swing Left
60 Seconds Swing Right
Progress to a 20/24kg

You can apply this exact same formula to Squats, Lunges, Cleans etc. but remember that the Swing is the foundation exercise so only progress when the Swing is ready. Never progress the Press before the Swing, Turkish Get Up or Windmill.

In real time it usually takes between 1 and 3 months for the first progression and then slower after that.

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  1. Kyle Avatar

    I have used a simple 5lb per every 12 week progression, for both single and double kettlebell training.